Next 50 or 100 years no need hire maid

Smile robots are your new maid.

Do robot maids provide piak piak service as well?

(28-03-2024, 07:34 PM)winbig Wrote:  Do robot maids provide piak piak service as well?

You don't know already has " sex robot " ? You go google.

(28-03-2024, 07:52 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  You don't know already has " sex robot " ? You go google.

Those sex robot cannot do housework

Many things they couldn't do. Like cannot decide for you what light bulbs to use, cannot replace them, ...

(28-03-2024, 08:02 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Many things they couldn't do. Like cannot decide for you what light bulbs to use, cannot replace them, ...

I already say next 50 years or 100 years. Might even less than 50 years depend how fast My idol Elon M pushing his Tesla robots and all the AI war out there.

Is together integrated. AI is the Robot brain. It can help u do decision etc too not just doing tasks.

Dream better lah, anything aso got aso can

(28-03-2024, 08:08 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Dream better lah, anything aso got aso can

Smile This is why inventors do , they Dare to Dream.

Last time people never expect can now just use a small device to make call even can surf net on smartphone.

Last time people never expect a big box aka TV now become super thin

you see all is Inventor DREAM here.

(28-03-2024, 08:05 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  I already say next 50 years or 100 years. Might even less than 50 years depend how fast My idol Elon M pushing his Tesla robots and all the AI war out there.

Is together integrated. AI is the Robot brain.  It can help u do decision etc too not just doing tasks.

Robots will even be able to communicate with each other.

An entire body of knowledge stored in Google will be at the robot's disposal such that artificial intelligence is immeasurably higher than human intelligence. Generative AI will push the frontiers of what's science fiction to what's a fact of science.

We know that Chatgpt can write thesis, and all you need to do is to put a sound card in, and the robot will talk and make Einstein seem like a kindergarten kid. Give it five fingers made with human like skin and it can do a mighty good hand job for you.

And if you prefer piak piak, it can even moan

Btw, what happened to Ah Moan? He also vanished like Debono, Notdumb...

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

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