Nikkei 225 fell 12% in 2 weeks selloff

It's back near the lows of 2024 after a sharp specilative run up ...the selldown was even more rapid

Thus economy has many problems but temporarily became a favorite for global.investors who are now just dumping. Japanese stocks. 5yrs ago theremaybe some cheap conglomerates in thjs market worth buying which js what Waren Buffet did.

Last 2 yrs  it shoot up beyond any sensible level and there were no good reasons at all given the Japanes economy is half dead.

If I have ant I will still dump after this 12% fall because once investors flow put it js just day after day of another 1000pts selloff.

Everyone in the Japan market is playing greater fool theory and musical chairs.

Nikkei is just going to he'll.

[Image: c7G3y6i.jpeg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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