

Singapore law favours women more when it comes to a divorce, and it is really sad to see all the things that a men has worked for being taken away from them after a divorce. Has any men ever considered getting a prenup / living trust to protect themselves from such events?

After all, no one knows what will happen in the future right? The divorce rate in Singapore is so high and no one can be so confident that they will never experience a divorce.

. . . . .

Update: Apparently, this seems like a very controversial topic. I posted this because I wanted to understand how men can protect themselves in the event of a divorce. It’s not because I’m misogynist, but because from what I understand, Singapore law favours Women more during a divorce.

There can be many reasons for a divorce, and some of them can be as trivial as “ one of the parties insisting that they are not compatible anymore”. If the divorce goes in favour of a women despite such trivial reasons, won’t that essentially be unfair especially if the men has worked so hard to earn his assets? Not saying that women don’t work; they do, but there may be some women who are stay home wives that may be entitled to a huge sum of a men’s asset during a divorce. Vice versa, if a men is a stay home husband while the wife works, I don’t see how the singapore law would favour the men especially if the wife is the one generating more money and assets. Correct me if I’m misinformed.

Not trying to discriminate any gender here and as I said, I just wanted to understand ‘how men can protect themselves during a divorce given that the law favours women during a divorce’.

I don’t have any bad intentions posting this, and I will reiterate again by saying that I have no bad intentions in case some of you get offended and interpret my post as having a meaning / intention

Here are what netizens think:
Prenups aren’t enforceable in SG. Visit a lawyer, if you really have that much assets (usually needs to be in the millions to even be worth it) to ringfence. Offshore trusts, offshore properties, family properties etc. you know the drill. If your assets are in the six figures unfortunately it’s likely hard and not worthwhile to ringfence either. But that’s just my uneducated guess, a lawyer would better advise. My guess would be use it for downpayment on ur parent’s next condo or sth? (Fking chor ABSD tho). And if you buy a property in ur name, good luck convincing the judge it isnt a marital asset if you divorce.
yup, but dont have that kind of money to protect
Lol prenups not exactly enforceable in Singapore context. Learnt that when I tried to tell my bro his soon to be wife was giving off strong gold digger vibes and he was like oh don’t worry my car and house are under my fathers name and we can’t do a prenup. Got me stumped for awhile after I went to go ask my friend who works in a law firm and found out that yeah it was indeed true. Just so you know the woman in the relationship can also be the more powerful/richer one… do you seriously think that its exclusively a man problem?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

I already said so many times human law is biased. Rotfl
Still dont believe.
In your next life, tell God you want to be a woman if you still want to KPKB.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
[+] 1 user Likes RiseofAsia's post

Once you marry you need to support the woman for life even after divorce.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

Choose your wife wisely.

A right woman will lift your life many notch. Life hack.

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