No wonder out of touch Gov still think Malays are poor?

They got one ad never show because " sensitive " a lot netizen comment it thus Gov never show the Hari Raya Gov ad.

summary show the family poor, stay in rental flat , parents no job etc later got job , got a flat of their own

again Gov is more focus on their propoagenda than Festival.....

In reality now you go out see , Now Malays friends also doing not bad a least, drive , some is really their own car
HDB Flat is really nice inside their deco etc , Good hifi system, TV also big etc Come foods also eat good ones.

Of course not all malays are like that , still have some poor etc

I mean EVERY RACE is the same now, even come Chinese, also got poor ones so do India

Just that Gov still think as if " most malays are poor like that " zzzz no wonder get backfire their hari raya ad

Billions of tax payers M go to them every yr.

Most fat fat happy happy go lucky one. As long as they r happy, we r happily work hard .

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