(15-10-2022, 02:23 PM)Bluebull Wrote: My neighbour’s three yo son was enrolled in a certain garmen preschool child care
One day he and his wife were summoned urgently to see the school matron
Found out that the pre school is complaining that the son insisted on calling his Indian child care mate ah bu neh
When the teacher tries to correct him, the boy said at home his grandma refer to Indians ah bu neh
School matron wanted the parents to correct his son
But my neighbour said, is nothing wrong
Ah bu neh means brother
Besides what they did at home is none of school business
And besides how to tell his mother and all old folks not to refer to Indians as ABN
Few days later, he received an official letter telling him to ask his son to stop doing that or else he may have to leave the pre school
Walau, you guys so san, can give names some more
Okay la, to prove that this is not fake news
I tell you the preschool name is “something something” Sparkle.....
And it is in Bukit Merah/Queenstown area
The point my neighbour is trying to make is
For ages, and years the old folks and senior citizens generation have been calling these people ah neh, apu neh neh, kekling etc,
Many many times, even openly, in markets, workplace, shops, playgrounds
And they said there’s hardly any concern it would cause a racial riot
So, why is the garmen, or this garmen linked preschool is so sensitive about it
To the point of insisting the parents educate the child not to use the term