Wumao here will angry: Peking University admits 900m Ahtiongs kena Wuhan Virus liao


About 900 million people have already been infected by Covid in China, according to a study by the University of Peking that the Chinese portal collects this Friday Economic Observer Network.

According to the study, until January 11 a 64% of the population had been infected with the virus after the country dismantled the ‘zero Covid’ policy and opted for more lax control of the pandemic.

The study, collected today by the portal Economic Observer Network, belonging to the newspaper Economic Observerindicates that in Gansu province, in the west, 91% of the population had been infected by that datefollowed by Yunnan (southwest), with 84%, and Qinghai (west), with 80%.

The research, led by scholar Ma Jingjing of Peking University’s National Development Research Institute, adds that the peak of infections occurred on December 20about 13 days after the authorities relaxed the restrictions they maintained against the covid.

However, other Chinese experts believe that the peak incidence of covid cases in China It will continue “until February or March”as recently predicted by the former chief epidemiologist of the China Center for Disease Control, Zeng Guang.

According to Zeng, the peak of severe cases of the disease will continue “for even longer”, and he cited the example of Beijing, where “the crest of the wave of cases has already ended, but the wave of severe cases is still active”.

The former official expressed concern about “the situation in China’s rural areas” and called for “attention” to “implement a prevention strategy” in them, as the authorities have indicated in recent weeks given the proximity of the Lunar New Year, the festive period in which the Chinese usually return to their places of origin.

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