Number of babies born in Japan is set to drop to a record low for 7 straight years

Fewer births in Japan's rapidly graying society threaten future funding of the government's soaring social security programs, such as pensions and medical care for the elderly.

"In addition to designing the country's social security system in a way that will fit the aging society, we need to further analyze ways to raise the birth rate," Wada said, referring to measures taken by municipalities achieving high birth rates.

That's why earlier in another thread I said it is important for Japan to open up for foreigners to join Japan. This coupled with the rising of rates will actually restart Japan's economy.

But don't be like Singapore to anyhow run the foreigners influx policy. For a start, only allow in foreigners with skillsets that's really unique and not found in local population. The foreigners are there to compensate for what's not available immediately. The foreigners are not there to compete with the locals or as a long term solution.

Make sure that you have an engagement plan with these foreigners such that they can eventually stay perm in Japan taking up PR and citizenship and of course start a family.

Only such an active planning and engagement of foreigners can you truly calibre right. Never allow co HR to run on their own, cos they will never follow thru with the govt grand plan.

nudie we should help them increase their birth rate

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