Nvidia in Trouble : 3 Authors Sue Company Over AI Training Data

Interestingly, Nvidia took down the dataset in October 2023 due to copyright infringement reports. The authors argue this takedown is an admission of guilt by Nvidia

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[Image: JP7vvr-AGTHb-CXnz8-JVLg-VY.webp]

Looks very minor.

They used some copyright books for train their AI...whether that eevb constitute a violation of copyright is not clear.

You use a book to train a child.....can the authors sue you?

Replace the word child with AI.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

If you copy and post text or work of others without permission or quoting the sources, that's a violation of the copyrights law. Nobody cares because there is not much monetary rewards involved, but that doesn't mean it's ok to do so

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