OCBC put sinkie on hold for 40min.......sinkie gives epic FB response

[Image: ep4FaAg.png]


(24-01-2022, 08:38 PM)pinkypanther Wrote:  [Image: ep4FaAg.png]

I had the same experience too.....
[+] 1 user Likes debono's post

Serves him right!

Í hv no sympathy for such abject stupigity

Like those who are warned PAP is jbl suckers, they still continue to vote, then complain

It is common knowledge OCBC is the worst bank in Sg yet still got morons keep banking with them
[+] 1 user Likes Sentinel's post

I think this is a serious matter as making clients waiting on the phone for hours is so common with banks and telcos. It is about time authorities and Industrial Standards should step in and do something about this harassment to clients. Perhaps an Industrial Standard like ISO should make it compulsory for companies to have personnel attending to phones not longer than 15 minutes of waiting time....... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(25-01-2022, 09:34 AM)Huliwang Wrote:  I think this is a serious matter as making clients waiting on the phone for hours is so common with banks and telcos. It is about time authorities and Industrial Standards should step in and do something about this harassment to clients. Perhaps an Industrial Standard like ISO should make it compulsory for companies to have personnel attending to phones not longer than 15 minutes of waiting time....... Rolleyes
Well said, it should be implemented immediately........

Worse than Duck Ball Soup, I was put on hold for 25mins nia…. Rotfl

Don’t understand how come it can become One of the best banks?

The checklist has omitted phone call received from customer.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(25-01-2022, 10:09 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Worse than Duck Ball Soup, I was put on hold for 25mins nia…. Rotfl

This practice got to stop, cos holding on for 25mins. may mean 'life or death'.......

Waiting time over the phone should not be more than 5 minutes.

Ideally almost immediately. It can be done if the entities concerned ramp up their telephone operators.

Doing this can also help provide jobs for the seniors and less IT savvy population.

aiyo KPKB for what. just close the account lor. got money scare no bank to put arh
[+] 1 user Likes wulala's post

Don't say Banks......come Gov sectors TOO!

(25-01-2022, 01:18 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Don't say Banks......come Gov sectors TOO!

That is true, some govt. sectors have the same problems.......

(25-01-2022, 01:20 PM)debono Wrote:  That is true, some govt. sectors have the same problems.......

I will NEVER forget this , got one time report leakage in my flat. Report to Town Council, they claim is HDB side will help me forward the problem to HDB side. That time I don't know , when any thing fault etc inside your flat , you call HDB not town council , Town council ONLY in charge things OUTSIDE Your flat.

Ok never mind, too many ministries that why! ding dong around and here it go.....

So town council forward my problems to HDB , few days later this Old uncle from HDB come. He is the HDB officer check around and claim , Oh actually the leak is cause by OUTSIDE . Nvm, I help you forward Back to Town Council

I was ...oh ok nvm, SO ...wait and wait after one month NO body feedback to me.

I than email to Town Council complain and feedback what happen ???

They reply back claim Never received Any Email from HDB side.
I was WTF??? means that Uncle never feedback to TC , this is I say those OLD civil servants really take for granted ROT inside public sectors. Not say I bias old staffs one day I also will get old ....NVM

next day TC send one guy come VERY FAST This time partly due to my case overdue and my complain

TC guy told me need to wait as need to set up things etc as the workers need to patch from outside. I was ok ...
So it took roughly 3 months to fix a Simple patch outside my block ...

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