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OMG! Japenis Yen = toilet paper! Both Russians & USA asked Japenis to F**k off!

Who cares. Going Japan for holiday any time soon. Yen cheap good good leh

日本一句話惹火普欽再制裁 備戰中俄?增軍費到6兆日元 新聞大白話 20220716

'22.07.12【豐富│東南西北龍鳳配】Pt.1 可惜!安倍已經看不到他對日本造成多大的傷害!



It is the fifth rate cut by the Central Bank of Russia so far this year after an emergency hike from 9.5% to 20% in late February, following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

In June, it reduced the rate by 150 basis points to 9.5% — the level it was at when the invasion began.


Japan Becoming Poorer than South Korea

Hitotsubashi University emeritus professor Yukio Noguchi remarked on July 24 that Japan is becoming poorer than South Korea as the value of the yen is continuing to fall along with the competitiveness of Japanese industries.

“When the current exchange rates are applied to the 2020 GDPs per capita, South Korea’s is US$31,902 and Japan’s is US$31,782 with that of the United States at US$76,027,” he said, adding, “This is because of Abenomics. In 2012, before the implementation of the policy, Japan’s GDP per capita was close to that of the United States and almost twice that of South Korea. In other words, Abenomics made Japan poor.”

Radioactive Water Leak To Delay Planned Restart Of Mihama-3

An investigation has begun into the leak of about seven tonnes of radioactive water from Unit 3 at the Mihama nuclear power station in Fukui prefecture, southwestern Japan, Japan's Kansai Electric Power Company said.

The company said it had contained the leak and does not expect it to affect the environment, but added the incident would delay the planned restart of the unit, which had been offline for the addition of anti-terrorist measures.

The utility said the problem was discovered at Unit 3’s reactor auxiliary building during a regular inspection.

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