OPEC Sets The Stage For New Output Cuts

Aug 11, 2022, 11:00 AM CDT

Biden's "hard-won", post Saudi fist-bump OPEC output boost of 100K barrels may end up being not only the smallest on record, but also the shortest.

In its latest monthly report, OPEC revealed that it expects global oil markets to tip into surplus this quarter as it downgraded the outlook for demand and bolstered estimates for rival supplies. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries cut forecasts for the amount of crude it will need to pump in the third quarter by 1.24 million barrels a day to 28.27 million  - according to Bloomberg, that’s about 570,000 barrels a day less than OPEC’s 13 members pumped in July.

The surprising revision, which comes at a time of unprecedented pressure by western nations in general and the US in particular on the non-Russian countries in OPEC+, conspicuously diverges from that of the International Energy Agency, which boosted its demand forecasts on Thursday as soaring natural gas prices compel companies and refiners to switch to using oil, in effect confirming what we said two days ago when we noted that Europe's aggressive gas-oil switching amid US oil exports to Europe likely set the lows for US gasoline prices.

More at: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/OP...-Cuts.html

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