Omicron likely to displace Delta variant says South Africa

Country set for surge in cases, with daily infections 10,000 by end week

The Omicron coronavirus variant detected in southern Africa could be the most likely candidate to displace the highly contagious Delta variant, the director of South Africa's communicable disease institute said.

The discovery of Omicron has caused global alarm, with countries limiting travel from southern Africa for fear it could spread quickly even in vaccinated populations, and the World Health Organisation saying it carries a high risk of infection surges.

"We thought, what will outcompete Delta? That has always been the question, in terms of transmissibility at least...perhaps this particular variant is the variant," Professor Adrian Puren, acting executive director of South Africa's National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), told Reuters.

If Omicron proves even more transmissible than the Delta variant, it could lead to a sharp spike in infections that could put pressure on hospitals...

Part of an article found in today's The New Paper

We need more nurses then 👩‍⚕️

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