Ong Ye Kung please resign as Health Minister and step down from the MMTF.

Dear Mr Ong Ye Kung,

It would be a magnificent benefit to Singapore if you could resign as Minister of Health as well as being in the MMTF. 

As Singapore has agreed to choose with living with COVID, it DOES NOT MEAN that you should just leave everything and allow this situation to BLOW UP. You have not implemented ANYTHING of value to tackle  Covid-19, however, all you did was just remove every good initiative that was currently in place. Although we have a highly vaccinated population, does not mean we can’t be careful as well! Mind you, the elderly and pregnant women can get very ill. Children cannot be vaccinated as well.

Immediately after you took over from Mr Gan Kim Yong, the Covid situation took a Huge Dive for the worst. We have no idea why you decided to remove EVERY IMPORTANT INITIATIVE that was put in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The places visited by People who have Covid is actually very important as it enables People in Singapore to quickly avoid the places and prevent a HUGE spread. You were probably worried about business for these places, however You are making the situation even worst now, as people will just completely avoid going out as they are afraid of getting the virus. 

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His father is from the opposition party but this dishonourable son join pap and is now a minister. Chinese saying, he eat chicken side chicken, eat duck side duck. Look at Mr JB Jeyaratnan son, still carrying out his late father cause, is in the Reform Party. Man of honor.

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