Origins of the Yayoi people

“Some of the first wet-rice farmers in Japan might have migrated from the lower basin of China’s Yangtze River more than 2,000 years ago, Japanese and Chinese researchers said Thursday.

This was suggested by DNA tests conducted by the researchers that showed genetic similarities between human remains from the Yayoi Period found in southwestern Japan and the early Han Dynasty found in China’s central Jiangsu Province, Satoshi Yamaguchi told reporters.

The researchers found many similarities between the skulls and limbs of Yayoi people and the Jiangsu remains.

Two Jiangsu skulls showed spots where the front teeth had been pulled, a practice common in Japan in the Yayoi and preceding Jomon Period.
But the most persuasive findings resulted from tests revealing that genetic samples from three of 36 Jiangsu skeletons also matched part of the DNA base arrangements of samples from the Yayoi remains, the scientists said. ”

This suggests the relationship between the Japanese and Chinese based on an argument of their ancestral tribes.

Could be migrated from Japan to China, and not the other way round

Who would migrate from fertile China Yangtze to a volcano infested land??

there is an alien ET group lnown as th YAHYEL

(07-06-2023, 06:10 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Could be migrated from Japan to China, and not the other way round

Who would migrate from fertile China Yangtze to a volcano infested land??

More varieties on the China side. Similar variety at Japan side. It is said that successive Emperors send groups of warriors and families to Japan looking for longevity pills or elixirs.

In Europe, Long Live the King.

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