PAP MPs to suspend house visits, limit in-person activities

The People's Action Party has asked all its Members of Parliament to suspend house visits amid a surge in Covid-19 infections that has prompted an advisory for people to cut down on social activities.

The ruling party has also asked MPs to limit in-person activities, and several MPs have suspended physical meet-the-people sessions, asking residents to e-mail, call or video-call them instead.

It added: "Our MPs will also encourage residents to get in touch with them by phone or virtually as the primary mode to avoid congregation of people."

New infections in the community almost doubled to more than 1,200 cases last week, up from around 600 cases the week before. On Monday (Sept 6), the multi-ministry task force handling Covid-19 urged people to reduce non-essential social activities for the next two weeks to slow down the speed of transmission.

The Ministry of Health has also asked people to keep their social circles to a small group of regular contacts, and limit social gatherings to one a day.

A PAP spokesman said the advice for its MPs was in line with these new guidelines.

East Coast GRC MP Jessica Tan, Holland-Bukit Timah GRC MP Christopher de Souza and Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment Amy Khor, who is Hong Kah North MP, were among those who shifted their meet-the-people sessions to a virtual format.

Mr de Souza said in a Facebook post: "The recent spike in unlinked cases is of concern to all of us."

Meanwhile, Ms Tan said: "With the recent rise in Covid-19 cases in the community, it is important that we stay vigilant so as to keep our community safe."

They are right. Now it is best to be a 宅男。

This is what I meant by conflicting signal. On the one hand say live with the virus, on the other say limit activities. Come on, which is which.
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

(13-09-2021, 10:01 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  This is what I meant by conflicting signal. On the one hand say live with the virus, on the other say limit activities. Come on, which is which.

They do things in a messy way.

[Image: tenor.gif]
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They sure know how to protect themselves well.

Do they think hawkers? taxi- drivers? cleaners? can work at home?

Stoop blaming covid when you yourself did not plan to take care of the 7 Groups of Vulnerable people.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

It is important to protect our leaders to ensure Covid don't spread up the chain right to the top and to ensure Covid don't spread down the chain right down to the bottom?

Isn't this why there is a need for them to be highly paid to be able to think up and down the chain and even out of the box and inside the box?

Otherwise such highly intelligent and capable thinkers might migrate to the private sector to compete with the Ceca and the locals and others?

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