PE2023: They know I have not been a fly-by-night, says Tharman

PE2023: They know I have not been a fly-by-night, says Tharman

The time, he believes, is right to step up to help the country navigate a rapidly changing world as president.


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He knows how to TKSS only.

When trouble comes, where is he?

Hiding somewhere

[+] 1 user Likes Gstalk's post

Help the country navigate? My foot!

Country is made of People & Business who are on different poles

Please state clearly, A or B and

STOP always over- generalizing.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

Overpaid salary, how to fly by night?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

No Indians pls, we have enough Indian president.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

He is saying all other candidates are fly by night. But the truth is, with the presidential candidate criteria stated, all eligible folks are equally good. The candidates not from within political party cannot be seen as fly by night. So we need an opposition party ex member with qualifying criteria to match up against PAP candidates?

I used to have good impression and respect for Tharman. Ivan Lim episode I treated it as an isolated misrepresentation... But it seems he has fallen...

Not fly by night means what? Dun work at night?

Tharman had sold his soul for fame and fortune lah
Ivan Lim was just a Distinct case example
He is only in the PE to make sure Piak And Piak holds ALL THE KEYS to Unaccountable power and riches ( for themselves)

tony tan and george yeo were asked by pap to run for president.

similarly tharman could be asked by pap to run for president.

tharman has conflict of interest as he is nominated by the govt.

tharman is not qualified to be president due to nomination by pap.

we need tharman to declare under oath whether he was asked by PM or PAP to run for president.

because tony tan was asked by pap to run for president.

He is a clear winner but not fair as his opponents all weak

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