After CNY a lot retrenchment?

or already have just before CNY?

(30-01-2022, 09:59 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  or already have just before CNY?

U heard from who? Don't anyhow spread fake news hor.

(30-01-2022, 09:59 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  or already have just before CNY?

Too little bonus Rotfl

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Gut feel things are not well in general and GST is going up...

(30-01-2022, 10:37 PM)winbig Wrote:  U heard from who? Don't anyhow spread fake news hor.

You forget my Rich Uncle is a businessman? These people always gossip, rumours talk about how business trend will be like in SG lor.

I just know from my Uncle, his usual business " talk cock session with his business friends, associates etc " quite a lot feel After CNY some companies going to close for good , they even suspect still will have one new variants . This Covi19 will not end even come this year end or so. The year roughly tone down at least completely is later 2024 than come 2025 like all clear

Don't forget business been affected also need times to see result, even now you change to another business due to Covi19.

They also talk about Budget day, feel nothing Big to be expect, more likely want to get more taxes beside implement GST Hike
OF course Gov will " so call give rebate to business owners etc but end of the day well...."

(30-01-2022, 11:49 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  You forget my Rich Uncle is a businessman? These people always gossip, rumours talk about how business trend will be like in SG lor.

I just know from my Uncle, his usual business " talk cock session with his business friends, associates etc " quite a lot feel After CNY some companies going to close for good , they even suspect still will have one new variants . This Covi19 will not end even come this year end or so. The year roughly tone down at least completely is later 2024 than come 2025 like all clear

Don't forget business been affected also need times to see result, even now you change to another business due to Covi19.

They also talk about Budget day, feel nothing Big to be expect, more likely want to get more taxes beside implement GST Hike
OF course Gov will " so call give rebate to business owners etc but end of the day well...."

What you just wrote is what any common man on the streets can tell you. You don't need to hear it from your uncle.

Sibeh jialat... but pinkie still encourage ppl to have more babies... attract more fts to compete for the common good... not emuf Sinkies to fill labour market  Rolleyes

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin
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Even if there are real retrenchment, companies will report as resignation or termination.

The partial and inaccurate data collected by MOM will likely be swept under the carpet.

Or Tan SL and MOM will just Self- Praise and announce that Retrenchment is low for Q1 2022, lor.

Anybody check on MOM reports for the past 10 years?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(30-01-2022, 09:59 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  or already have just before CNY?

Your uncle business doesn’t mean everyone don’t anyhow spread rumours and get yourself into trouble.

There should be a big retrenchment when Keppel and Semcorp Marine merges in March 2022.

(31-01-2022, 10:27 AM)Cmpunk Wrote:  Your uncle business doesn’t mean everyone don’t anyhow spread rumours and get yourself into trouble.

" Business rumours " already tell u is " rumours " by Law is not anything you are breaking.
Hello, like that businessman meet up chit chat what? cannot said business related rumours etc?

if everything also get you into trouble like that SG is NK than

(31-01-2022, 10:29 AM)forum456 Wrote:  There should be a big retrenchment when Keppel and Semcorp Marine merges in March 2022.

seem like you know something too

(31-01-2022, 10:01 AM)Ola Wrote:  Even if there are real retrenchment, companies will report as resignation or termination.

The partial and inaccurate data collected by MOM will likely be swept under the carpet.

Or Tan SL and MOM will just Self- Praise and announce that Retrenchment is low for Q1 2022, lor.

Anybody check on MOM reports for the past 10 years?

Obviously MOM so call " employment rate Always Subjective base on Current Global economics situation " They claim local employment rate up, a lot claim are those SDA , tray return ambassordors etc jobs so call for those jobless and been retrench

On positive side yes it do help

On Negative side, Taxing even more heavily on Gov, Public funds.
Don't forget civil servants got their year end bonus beside mid year bonus last year as usual despite Economics not say good

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