PM Lee, this is for you

Quote:First, all of us will die someday: you, me, everyone we know and love.

But also, if you want the things that you build to live on, then you have to begin to let go ahead of time.

You have to spend time thinking far into the future, recruiting and growing the people you hope will take over. You have to let go of the very human concern that succession planning is about finding a replacement and instead think of who might be able to lead in his or her own way, and to destinations you might never dream of.
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(22-12-2021, 09:32 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:

Thank you bro. for the video clip, it is a very good speech by Mr Steve is all about life and how you should lived it...... Clapping Clapping

Most of us here are "the old" already. Time to let go and relax and enjoy life.

Pinky should let go and guide from behind like papa before it is too late. Why is he clinging on? Looks like Woody who was trying to push him earlier, has given up too. Maybe due to his age and health.

(22-12-2021, 10:17 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Most of us here are "the old" already. Time to let go and relax and enjoy life.

Pinky should let go and guide from behind like papa before it is too late. Why is he clinging on? Looks like Woody who was trying to push him earlier, has given up too. Maybe due to his age and health.

With PM Lee going on to the is time for him to fully retire and let the 4Gs to take over.  It must be noted that PM Lee had one time suffer from cancer, therefore it is best that he takes the back seat and enjoy the simple joys of life....... crying crying

(22-12-2021, 10:36 PM)5354 Wrote:  Ladies and gentlemen

Look at what happened to Malaysia when Mahathir decided to hand over to Najib

Singaporeans also got fcuked!

LHL should stay on and learn from Mahathir's mistake and not be afraid to continue until Mahathir's age

Song boh?

Can PM Lee lived until mid 90s, like Dr M Laughing Rotfl .......?

(22-12-2021, 10:17 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Most of us here are "the old" already. Time to let go and relax and enjoy life.

Pinky should let go and guide from behind like papa before it is too late. Why is he clinging on? Looks like Woody who was trying to push him earlier, has given up too. Maybe due to his age and health.

He does not need to earn money.  Between his wife and him, they both have more than enough to retire.

PM Lee gave a large part of his best years in service to the nation.  He had cancer twice.  Almost died.  He is now in his silver years but still working.  Easy job?  A PM's job is easy?  No, it is not.  He needs the money?  No.  What he needs is rest.  We all saw how he almost collapsed on stage during a NDR.  He needs rest.

But he cannot hand over a Singapore which is battling covid, that is in stormy weather.

(22-12-2021, 10:39 PM)debono Wrote:  Can PM Lee lived until mid 90s, like Dr M Laughing Rotfl .......?

How about you?  Can you?

(22-12-2021, 10:28 PM)debono Wrote:  With PM Lee going on to the is time for him to fully retire and let the 4Gs to take over.  It must be noted that PM Lee had one time suffer from cancer, therefore it is best that he takes the back seat and enjoy the simple joys of life....... crying crying

The zoomers and yoomers...millenials....footloose WOKE generation were rooting for RK.  

First female PM. and non-ethnic Chinese.

I guess they and you are now so malu to finally REALISE that you have voted for a liar!  Lol!

The lee dynasty will rule spore for milleniums to come. His son will become Pm one day and so will his descendants. Sinkie sheeps are easy to manage.

With LHL, Sinkiepoor also finished

Without LHL, Sinkiepoor also finished

Soñg Boh?


Thanks for sharing this

Quote:[size=11][size=11]No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. 
It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now, the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away.
Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.[/size]

I want to add to above ....death is inevitable. What is also inevitable is the what majority of us will be forgotten with the passage of time and what we have done or not done diminish in time and will  have no significance. A human being today is just one in several billion living on a planet which is one of the many billion planets in the universe. Our lives occupy less than a flicker of time in the lifetine of the universe. It will be gone faster than you think.

Understanding the above will give you a perspective of your own life and be realistic about your own importaince. Recognize this and you will be closer to understanding what you want to do with your brief existence.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Is the meow meow smelly? Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

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