POV: To succeed, Forward Singapore has to win over sceptics

POV: To succeed, Forward Singapore has to win over sceptics

The onus lies on the 4G leaders to address any misgivings on the part of its citizens so that they can take civic participation more seriously, writes TODAY senior journalist Taufiq Zalizan.

✍🏼 https://tdy.sg/3yx4UvN 


Just remove PAP, lah

They are the ones destroying the social compact

Esp Shoot Blank Queen

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

Moving us step by step into arms of Sotong
Coronavirus causing covid-19 does not exist
To dive in u need to google chimera
meaning the above stands
simply u create it and then u pretend to have the solutions
and the solutions lead right to the Top sotong-ed

Your chimera starts with targeted receptor no. says 007
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