PUB meter reading

What is the advantage of taking reading yourself?? So far I see they are quite accurate. Though they always estimate on the high side. 

But that make no much or little different in the billing. Mine is just average around 200$ monthly only 4 rm flat.  Can share why take reading yourself. Your bill is bigger???

(04-08-2023, 10:33 AM)victortan Wrote:  What is the advantage of taking reading yourself?? So far I see they are quite accurate. Though they always estimate on the high side. 

But that make no much or little different in the billing. Mine is just average around 200$ monthly only 4 rm flat.  Can share why take reading yourself. Your bill is bigger???

You take the average of 2 months, then it is more accurate. One month is estimate, another month is actual meter reading


(04-08-2023, 10:33 AM)victortan Wrote:  What is the advantage of taking reading yourself?? So far I see they are quite accurate. Though they always estimate on the high side. 

But that make no much or little different in the billing. Mine is just average around 200$ monthly only 4 rm flat.  Can share why take reading yourself. Your bill is bigger???

Dont waste time to take the readings. Rotfl 
You can have other better thing to do.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

It's up to you if you want to help them reduce manpower in going around to take the readings. 举手之劳 if dun feel like helping then just ignore it

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