Park your wealth in Western countries and get robbed by them "legally"??

No more neutral. Rob you Anytime, as and when they like

Better run as fast as one could
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RUSSIA - $11 Billion NORD STREAM 2 Pipeline Heading for INSOLVENCY & TRADE INSURANCE Abandons Russia

Here are the Russian oligarch yachts being seized as sanctions take effect


海外中国富豪们注意啦 快转移财产回国! 李嘉诚嗅觉灵敏 甩卖英国投资 俄寡头豪华游艇直接被...

(10-03-2022, 01:04 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  

海外中国富豪们注意啦 快转移财产回国! 李嘉诚嗅觉灵敏 甩卖英国投资 俄寡头豪华游艇直接被...You are a sick bastard. Even your own grandparents you also want to attack

You are a sick bastard. Even your own grandmother you also want to attack

CHAOS & Cityhantam are 2 sick CCP mother-fcuker bastards, who support Islamic radical Simplemen, aka Imran, who has been belittling Chinese, juz because their mothers like farking Hamas dogs





(06-03-2022, 09:42 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  They can Suka Suka sanction, you are not scare meh… Rotfl
So called rule of laws?
Set new precedent 
Which country started it?
Little dot is one of the safest places for foreign investment.


(06-03-2022, 09:20 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  

It means now many countries will quietly sell away US bonds and assets to avoid one day US eating up.  These countries include India, Japan, China, and even EU countries.   

It means bond yields will rise and interest rates will rise. USD will collapse. Just watch.    


(07-03-2022, 11:33 AM)kokee Wrote:  this thread by comie dogs is the greatest joke.
why all these comie dogs dont want to go back to china with their whole family? this dog lick ccp china 7/24 here yet refuse to go back to their beloved mother land, all these are pure liars.
same to all their wealth & asset, they will never want to convert all their money to RMB or ruble, probably not even 1 cts of their asset is in RMB & ruble, all these liars brainwash other but they themselves keep all their money in western system.
Russia or china,almost all the top leaders & rich keep their asset & wealth in western system? simple, commnist is totally unreliable, they themselves dont trust & keep their money outside. But their people money cannot remit money out to support their rotten system & for war.
only morons here kena con by all these commie liars here.

comie dogs spam till like crazy dogs here to lick ccp china & anti-US yet almost all of them dont have 1 cts in china asset but all of them has US, all these dogs are real liars, dont talk about go back to china, they will never send their children back to get brainwashed by their moronic master.
that is why all their news & videos here from communist sources are all lies & BS, if not, why none of them go back to china or convert their asset to RMB or RUble?
Ruble interest rate is 20% now yet exchange rate near historical low, so good chance these dogs here also balless to support their master? same to china, all comie dogs here are total liars yet got morons here believe all these liars video & news, real morons.

(14-03-2022, 11:12 AM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs

Kokee, true or not? 


Even Biden was thinking by creating a war, all the money and fund would flow back to USA.  

But not so, some of the fund run to China. Not much flow back to US.  

So how?    



(14-03-2022, 11:18 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Kokee, true or not? 

Aiya, that kock hj zg.  


(14-03-2022, 11:12 AM)kokee Wrote:  comie

Kokee, true or not?

【天天侃3月13】欧盟反省其实没必要交恶普京,美国笑着说晚啦!  Rotfl

(14-03-2022, 11:12 AM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs spam till like crazy dogs here to lick ccp china & anti-US yet almost all of them dont have 1 cts in china asset but all of them has US, all these dogs are real liars, dont talk about go back to china, they will never send their children back to get brainwashed by their moronic master.
that is why all their news & videos here from communist sources are all lies & BS, if not, why none of them go back to china or convert their asset to RMB or RUble?
Ruble interest rate is 20% now yet exchange rate near historical low, so good chance these dogs here also balless to support their master? same to china, all comie dogs here are total liars yet got morons here believe all these liars video & news, real morons.

all these know liars comie dogs here,money flow into china? look at HSI & SSE free fall, tell all. 
HSI down from 30k recently to 20k today, down>33%, Dow only down few % because all funds & money flow out of china to US.
Same to china property, almost all top developers near bankrupt now, also US hike rate & china cut rate & print more $$, why? no more money due to outflow.
all these moronic dog, not only Ruble 20% interest rate, dare not buy, Alibaba HKD300 dare not buy, now almost 80 also balless to buy to support their master, all these liars. 50-80% of china listed stocks globally down 50-80% recently, all these liar dog keep so quiet, because they still prefer USD, all these real liars LOL LOL.

(14-03-2022, 11:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these

Kokee, true or not?

【天天侃3月14】毁灭俄罗斯,欧美不惜砸烂几十年缔造的世界秩序   .

(14-03-2022, 11:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these 

Kokee, true or not? This is called "daylight robbery"! Am I right?

Sanctions have frozen around $300 bln of Russian reserves



【每日必看】普丁女兒也遭殃!法國別墅遭佔領 "歡迎難民入住"|烏克蘭打的是"代理戰爭" 太快結束目的無法達成 @中天新聞 20220315


Who wants to deposit or withdraw money in China?

When got money but cannot invest..  can see but cannot touch and cannot withdraw at will.

China's non-performance loan (NPL) kept going up and NPL coverage kept coming down.. safe to deposit money?  Understand now they want bank to buy deposit insurance;  sure can get money back when there is bank run?  Previously,  Government backup and bail out the banks

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