Parliamemt : Pains me to watch how low it has sunk...

Behavior includes.
1. Mocking other elected members..  .

2. Repeat serious accusations of racism was denied yet they try repeatedly to pin accusations onto an MP to discredit him. If he is racist plse report to police to have him arrested if there is proof ....not repeated smear him in Parliament. 

3. They twisted logic distortion of what other members say to wilfully try to corner them makes me feel ashame of the leaders.
MP Leong took the concerns and worries of ordinary Singaporeans went to parliament and faced a barrage of attacks.

PAP logic : You like durians. Then you must also like to eat the shell of the durian. Otherwise you contradict yourself and what you say is not valid.

PAP : Do you like a durian? Just give me a yes no answer.

PSP : Depends on type of durian.

PAP : plse give a yes or no answer. It's a simple question why can't you answer it 

PSP: In general we like durians.

PAP : Let us record that you like durian.

PAP : Kampung durian is a durian. Do you agree? Plse answer yes or no.

PSP : That  durian have big seed and is tasteless.

PAP : just answer yes or no.

PSP : okay yes.

PAP: You said you like durian and Kampung durian is a durian. So you like Kampung durian.

PSP : No we have to look at each durian on a case by case basis.

PAP : Earlier to said you like durian now you say you don't like Kampung durian which is a durian. That is contradictory...

That's blardy why the debate took 10hrs.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
#2 those TVB law dramas, yes or no questioning...

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

Ask Shan does he loves children?

(16-09-2021, 01:32 PM)ODA TETSURO Wrote: those TVB law dramas, yes or no questioning...
This is not a debate, but, an interrogation process. Sounds like police investigations. Very tasteless and unbecoming of a minster.

(16-09-2021, 01:46 PM)5354 Wrote:  The problem is you and the 2 fools from psp, not them

Get it?
Many forumers know that you are the biggest fool. Enjoy spamming threads endlessly.
[+] 2 users Like Gemstar's post

ya agree

all like primary six hooligan
no standard
[+] 1 user Likes Talent's post

(16-09-2021, 02:06 PM)Talent Wrote:  ya agree

all like primary six hooligan
no standard
If other countries hv watched this kind of debate, it is really shameful n disgusting that words cannot even described it. All these MIWs are merely back-slapping themselves.

(16-09-2021, 02:05 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Many forumers know that you are the biggest fool. Enjoy spamming threads endlessly.

The nick tells all! Angry

Before: At your service; After: Serves you right!
[+] 1 user Likes Fit's post

HEROes protect the vulnerable like the weak, poor . . .

But making us vulnerable through their Ministries yet they further abuse and purposely hurt.

What is PaP becoming??

Win the World but lost your Soul. 

(16-09-2021, 02:05 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Many forumers know that you are the biggest fool. Enjoy spamming threads endlessly.

I think Jac Lau  is really mad, liao.  He kena covid after effects and now suffering from dementia. Just imagine he is left with 10% brain power and after covid, left with 5%. See his is Gutter Mouth spewing urine everywhere. 

PAP already has so many JLB. Waste of time and money and after 15 years, still cannot fix the Job Security issue. They need 100 years, arh??

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

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