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Pelosi run road , empty promises . China 关门打狗 Soon 甕中捉鱉 1st casualty!


(09-08-2022, 07:27 PM)kokee Wrote:  US military stay far away from china drill? all these comie liars here! as above!
US carrier is going thru taiwan straits now, US hope china drill hit US army, then hosay liao! but china got balls to shoot? my foot, fark also dare not fark 1 sound! as what thread title claimed!
this totally useless balless coward, can only use mouth to bark but balless to act, that is why laughing stock of the world now, lost all face!


life as per normal for taiwan people, same to taiwan straits, no one F care of china, whole world know china has no balls to fight, scared till like kitten, afraid misfire, china will be super careful in their drill, generally no drill, use computer animation & fake photos to con brainless slavery!

whatever, there will be no fight or war in taiwan straits!
china is totally useless, no balls, bo LP coward! as normal, bark 3 days, finish  in 3 hrs, put up show just to brainwash & con moronic slavery but the whole world laugh at china BS drill like shit!
china know they are totally no match to US & taiwan, once war starts, end of ccp! so china will never start this war 100%, even drill, they are so careful & scared to misfire, missile shoot to sky, hit china also cannot hit taiwan!
can only lies & BS, lost face after lost face, totally shameless dogs! kowtow to the west!
If there is war in taiwan straits, it will be start by US & taiwan when china really cross the red line & give them a best excuse to attack!


(09-08-2022, 07:53 PM)kokee Wrote:  life as per normal for taiwan people, same to taiwan straits, no one F care of china, whole world know china has no balls to fight, scared till like kitten, afraid misfire, china will be super careful in their drill, generally no drill , use computer animation & fake photos to con brainless slavery!

whatever, there will be no fight or war in taiwan straits!
china is totally useless, no balls, bo LP coward! as normal, bark 3 days, finish in 3 hrs, put up show just to brainwash & con moronic slavery but the whole world laugh at china BS drill like shit!
china know they are totally no match to US & taiwan, once war starts, end of ccp! so china will never start this war 100% , even drill, they are so careful & scared to misfire, missile shoot to sky, hit china also cannot hit taiwan!
can only lies & BS, lost face after lost face, totally shameless dogs! kowtow to the west!
If there is war in taiwan straits, it will be start by US & taiwan when china really cross the red line & give them a best excuse to attack!

There is no war in the Taiwan Strait! Wolf Warrior finally "kowtows"

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 
Kokee the scumbags 

Who slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 
Kokee go take medication 

National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate

佩洛西 ~ 災西登島 有芯玩你 / 中美“芯片大戰”陰差陽錯為統一鋪路 / 誰管肯德基州特大水災 全美燕麥斷供 (字幕版)#佩洛西 #軍演 #芯片法案 #竄訪

最蠢民进党“助”中国统一台湾!赖岳谦:14亿中国人已忍到极限!美日再打台湾牌将坑死蔡英文!#中国 #台湾 #美国 #台海 #赖岳谦 #佩洛西 #蔡英文

《谦秋论》赖岳谦 第四百零四集|要比战略美还需加把劲!盘整裴来台三方得失!

陸戰備警巡 拜登雷根號跑了 Rotfl 裴洛西嗆不准許中國新常態 新聞大白話 20220811

China military 'completes various tasks' around Taiwan, will conduct regular patrols

BEIJING: China's military has "completed various tasks" around Taiwan but will conduct regular patrols, it said on Wednesday (Aug 10), potentially signalling an end to days of war games but also that Beijing will keep up the pressure against the island.

(11-08-2022, 04:01 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  

陸戰備警巡 拜登雷根號跑了 Rotfl 裴洛西嗆不准許中國新常態 新聞大白話 20220811

一个女人害死很多男人 leh! haha! Big Grin

(11-08-2022, 04:08 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  一个女人害死很多男人 leh! haha! Big Grin

Taiwan's aqua?

天天硬事2302期——01 中国东部战区表示演训虽然结束但对台湾将进入常态化阶段,台湾希望德国政府能来,德国表示拒绝 02 日本岸田文雄内阁大换血,岸信夫被换,换上一个热爱台湾的滨田靖一

(11-08-2022, 10:31 AM)kokee Wrote:  this bloody moronic useless bark extend, 3 days become 3 hrs, months long or comie liar bark drill till conquer, all lies!
now official call stop, I already 100% guarantee this balless will never attack but run road so fast! lost face till no more face now!
US carrier & military are here in taiwan straits for drill with multiple country now! this dog so fast run like pariah dog!

美國五大軍種印太集結超前部署 第七艦隊防堵共軍搶灘登陸台灣 跳島演練照片曝光│【前進新台灣】20220811


this useless balless coward stop drill & run road now!
no more extend? forever bark & no action, norm! liar like comie dogs here, all the same! BS! norm!

not only US & japan behind taiwan to fight china if there is anything happens in taiwan straits!
whole world are behind taiwan.
china is totally balless, useless & coward! whole world know well!
all the super powerful & accurate missile are ready, shanghai, beijing, shenzhen have no way to hide!

直呼與台灣命運共同體 剛剛這國攤牌 中共敢打台灣 飛彈直攻上海 中共徹底怕了 台灣有事就是日本有事 中共軍演讓美日台軍事更加緊密

中國若侵台 美日幫擊退! 3艦同框! 曝解放軍遭圍實情

(11-08-2022, 05:49 PM)kokee Wrote:  this useless balless coward stop drill & run road now!
no more extend? forever bark & no action, norm! liar like comie dogs here, all the same! BS! norm!

not only US & japan behind taiwan to fight china if there is anything happens in taiwan straits!
whole world are behind taiwan.
china is totally balless, useless & coward! whole world know well!
all the super powerful & accurate missile are ready, shanghai, beijing, shenzhen have no way to hide!

直呼與台灣命運共同體 剛剛這國攤牌 中共敢打台灣 飛彈直攻上海 中共徹底怕了 台灣有事就是日本有事 中共軍演讓美日台軍事更加緊密

中國若侵台 美日幫擊退! 3艦同框! 曝解放軍遭圍實情

[Image: 813-E253-C-55-BA-4-C86-A69-D-6-E22-FEAA00-D7.jpg]
Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

【完整版中集】圍台軍演後接力"台灣白皮書" 台海談判空間越來越小? 少康戰情室 20220811

解放軍25架次“CH-4無人機”巡航台灣!東部戰區福建機場起飛彩虹4無人機對台海 釣魚島“常態化”巡航警戒 台灣海峽已成為中國內海

(10-08-2022, 11:41 AM)kokee Wrote:  biden say clearly & directly, china has no balls to start a war, whether in taiwan straits or any where!
biden know china & xi too well, this useless balless coward, bark &  bark & will never action forever.
what ccp want is only to sustain govt in china, once war, ccp will be gone, no more rule china! et want to BS, talk big, want face, want to win everyday, self claimed shamelessly, but no gut & no balls!
china youngsters almost 100% today is 1 child policy, once died in war, end of family tree!


all these comie dogs  using all their fake & BS communist source of rubbish here!
no need to bark so much nonsense, as above, biden straight forward, china is totally useless, will never start a war with taiwan! balless for 73 yrs, will be no balls for another 730 yrs & longer!
unless the west & japan start it! that depend on ccp china!
as below germany also know it, whole world know well except dogs & their supporters here!
china not only military totally cant make it, money also dont have now to fight!


(11-08-2022, 06:11 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: 813-E253-C-55-BA-4-C86-A69-D-6-E22-FEAA00-D7.jpg]
Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one 
Kokee go take medication

See how Mdm Pelosi explain how her son was in the entourage during her Asia visits…listen to her tone of voice and her gestures, as well as her eye contacts.

See if you’re convinced?

According to the news following today’s report many Americans are now questioning Paul Pelosi’s escort?
[+] 1 user Likes kangtangman's post

【獨家爆料「正」在挖】2025美艦氣數將盡連航母都出局?解放軍趁勢崛起!破冰船踏碎北冰洋直通大西洋 @正常發揮 20220812精華版


(12-08-2022, 08:01 AM)kangtangman Wrote:

See how Mdm Pelosi explain how her son was in the entourage during her Asia visits…listen to her tone of voice and her gestures, as well as her eye contacts.

See if you’re convinced?

According to the news following today’s report many Americans are now questioning Paul Pelosi’s escort?

No wonder lah!


(12-08-2022, 08:19 AM)kokee Wrote:  just a pelosi visit taiwan can almost pull down winnie xi!
china political system is very fragile!
more to come!



pelosi, a 82 yrs old woman, not only hantam till china totally no face, useless& balless, even ccp china winnie xi presidential also in danger now due to pelosi visit taiwan!
whole world dont give a shit to china after pelosi trip, ton of country wanted to visit taiwan & skip china for now!
Even after she back to US, still continue to shout to support taiwan all the way in future!

after reached home, pelosi continue to support taiwan!
state that she fully support taiwan & her visit to taiwan fulfill US country on taiwan policy!

佩洛西重申对台湾支持 称访台不偏离美国政策

(14-08-2022, 05:06 PM)kokee Wrote:  pelosi, a 82 yrs old woman, not only hantam till china totally no face, useless& balless, even ccp china winnie xi presidential also in danger now due to pelosi visit taiwan!
whole world dont give a shit to china after pelosi trip, ton of country wanted to visit taiwan & skip china for now!
Even after she back to US, still continue to shout to support taiwan all the way in future!

after reaching home, pelosi continue to support taiwan!
state that she fully support taiwan & her visit to taiwan fulfill US country on taiwan policy!

Pelosi reiterated her support for Taiwan, saying that her visit to Taiwan does not deviate from US policy

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 
Kokee the scumbags 

Who out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 
Kokee go take medication 

National scum Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog losing the


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