Scientists eye noses as Covid resisters

Scientists at British institutions have uncovered a process through which people can defeat the virus before infection can take hold.

The mystery of why Covid-19 left some victims in intensive care and others with no symptoms at all is a step closer to being solved – and the answer could have something to do with their noses.

Sarah Teichmann, senior auth­or of the study and co-founder of the Human Cell Atlas, formerly at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and now based at Cambridge University, said: “As we’re building the Human Cell Atlas, we can better identify which of our cells are critical for fighting infections and understand why different people respond to corona­virus in varied ways.

Heng I sneeze and blow nose before even virus can attack me.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

After so long now then they realize it? When one feels some minor discomforts inside the nose, that's the first sign of viral infection and one got to do something immediately......

So they blow noses and pass the virus to someone else. 😁
[+] 1 user Likes Alice Alicia's post

Need some advice ish this fake news papagranda to limit capabilities of mRNA vaccine so that evil ccp china can develop new covid doomsdays white lung black tongue from Gain of function tech sponsored by anglo saxon fauci's NIH lololololol... Tongue

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