27-02-2024, 05:02 PM
The British media "The Times" reported that American parents are complaining that their children have watched the Peppa Pig TV series and their words and behaviors have had adverse effects, including "too many verbal attacks, rudeness, bossiness, lying and gossiping".
According to reports, accusations have emerged across the United States that American children spoke with a British accent after watching the series, and that "Peppa Pig bullied her father, refused to listen to her parents, and behaved in a powerful manner", which was harmful to impressionable people, had a bad impact.
According to reports, accusations have emerged across the United States that American children spoke with a British accent after watching the series, and that "Peppa Pig bullied her father, refused to listen to her parents, and behaved in a powerful manner", which was harmful to impressionable people, had a bad impact.