Petition for fare increase

Dear Minister,

We, the undersigned private hire drivers, collectively address this letter to express our growing concern regarding the prevailing situation faced by drivers within the ride-hailing industry in Singapore.

What started as a gig economy opportunity has now evolved into a substantial source of income for thousands of Singaporeans, many of whom rely on driving full-time with ride-hailing companies to sustain their families' livelihoods.

We believe that it is imperative for the authorities to address the predicament that these drivers find themselves in.

We seek your esteemed attention to the challenges we confront due to the persistent issue of low income resulting from the existing low fare structure.

Despite the consistent efforts and dedication we contribute to our profession, the current fare rates have led to an alarming decline in our earnings.

The juxtaposition of our diminishing incomes with the steadily increasing costs of car rental fees, insurance premiums, fuel prices, general expenses, and the overall cost of living has placed us in a precarious financial situation.

Moreover, the safety of drivers has become a pressing concern. The need to extend our driving hours to attain a reasonable income has compromised our wellbeing and poses a potential threat to road safety.

Prolonged driving hours not only adversely affect our health but also increase the likelihood of accidents due to fatigue.

A crucial aspect of our plea pertains to the incentive schemes implemented by ride-hailing companies.

The stringent nature of these incentive programs often forces us to work excessively long hours, sometimes up to 16 hours per day, to meet the thresholds necessary for incentives. This practice is detrimental to our overall quality of life and well-being.

We, the undersigned private hire drivers, implore the Ministry of Transport to consider our appeal for a revision in the base fare for rides facilitated through ride-hailing platforms.

A reasonable increase in the base fare will alleviate the financial burdens we face and provide us with a fair income to sustain our livelihoods.

Additionally, we earnestly request the ministry's intervention to establish protective measures against ride-hailing companies implementing unsustainable incentive schemes that compromise our health, safety, and quality of life.

We understand the importance of maintaining a thriving ride-hailing industry that benefits both drivers and passengers alike.

A balanced approach that safeguards the interests of all stakeholders, including the drivers who are the backbone of this industry, is essential.

As responsible and law-abiding citizens, we are committed to contributing our best efforts to ensure a safe and reliable transportation service for all.

We sincerely hope that our appeal garners your attention and support. Our united effort signifies the urgency and gravity of the situation.

We kindly request an opportunity to discuss this matter further and to explore potential solutions that will mutually benefit drivers and the ride-hailing industry as a whole.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and dedication to serving the interests of the people of Singapore.

We remain hopeful that our appeal will lead to positive changes that enhance the well-being and livelihoods of private hire drivers.

Yours sincerely,

Stupiak PHD ..... they think Grop and Gojerk own by Gov. 
Ok, if Gov ask Grop and Gojerk increase fare ... these compaines lose $$$ they look for who
If increase fare, people stop taking Grop & Gojerk ... these PHD complain to who ....
No wonder these fuggs can't get job ....cannot even think

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

From the East to NUS cost about $50. Already so expensive. Still want to increase some more? If no one take, their income will drop even further.

Spore taxi and private car really very expensive. Dunno the monies go into the driver pocket or into the middleman platform pocket.

(21-08-2023, 03:30 PM)Clyde Wrote:  From the East to NUS cost about $50. Already so expensive. Still want to increase some more? If no one take, their income will drop even further.

Is there any MRT to NUS from the East?
Pardon my ignorance

(21-08-2023, 03:37 PM)sgh Wrote:  Spore taxi and private car really very expensive. Dunno the monies go into the driver pocket or into the middleman platform pocket.

Expensive compare to which countries ... our neighboring countries yes bery ex ... but compared to developed countries we are cheap

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(21-08-2023, 03:42 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  Expensive compare to which countries ... our neighboring countries yes bery ex ... but compared to developed countries we are cheap

I seldom travel to developed countries so mine are neighboring countries like Msia and Indon so I compare to them. My spouse side all Msian so when they hear how much taxi and PHV is charging some of them want to come Spore be taxi drivers but unfortunately their education level too low and Spore govt "protect" this turf from outside competitors. So since protect can jack up prices lor.

(21-08-2023, 03:38 PM)Dan Wrote:  Is there any MRT to NUS from the East?
Pardon my ignorance

One and a half hours by public transports

(21-08-2023, 03:46 PM)sgh Wrote:  I seldom travel to developed countries so mine are neighboring countries like Msia and Indon so I compare to them. My spouse side all Msian so when they hear how much taxi and PHV is charging some of them want to come Spore be taxi drivers but unfortunately their education level too low and Spore govt "protect" this turf from outside competitors. So since protect can jack up prices lor.

How much their car in Muddysia? Muddysia got COE? Muddysia is RM3.4, SG is $1. SO cannot compare

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(21-08-2023, 03:55 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  How much their car in Muddysia? Muddysia got COE? Muddysia is RM3.4, SG is $1. SO cannot compare

Assume no currency conversion. Then based on km mileage Msia much cheaper as their petrol is subsidized and no COE. Car use until 4 doors different color still can drive out to highway. Of cuz this is only the transport aspect of it. Taking into account all the whole picture like jobs monies and currency etc yes then maybe Spore a bit better.

Expensive because of inflation. PHD say high COE, petrol, car price make it worse. But govt say all these are market forces. Bull shit.

(21-08-2023, 04:08 PM)Instinct Wrote:  Expensive because of inflation. PHD say high COE, petrol, car price make it worse. But govt say all these are market forces. Bull shit.

Actually the price of the car model itself is not really that expensive compared to same model selling in say Msia. The killer is the COE (which is worth the price of another car) and it only last 10 years. Then there is the carpark, ERP, petrol that contribute to the other part of the killer. Reduce or remove these two killer components car will become just like our neigbors.

(21-08-2023, 03:55 PM)Clyde Wrote:  One and a half hours by public transports


(21-08-2023, 03:59 PM)sgh Wrote:  Assume no currency conversion. Then based on km mileage Msia much cheaper as their petrol is subsidized and no COE. Car use until 4 doors different color still can drive out to highway. Of cuz this is only the transport aspect of it. Taking into account all the whole picture like jobs monies and currency etc yes then maybe Spore a bit better.

You must factor in lodging and makan more ex in SG

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(21-08-2023, 09:44 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  You must factor in lodging and makan more ex in SG

Makan more ex in SG? That will depend you eat what. For e.g  Spore chup chai png last time here we can get around SGD 2.5 - 3. Inside is already MYR 4 - 5. Now Spore is SGD 4 - 5 I doubt Msia still remain at MYR 4 - 5 possibly 6 - 8. In general what we spend X dollars on eating, in Msia that same thing multiply by 2 times. The JHK and JHB in this forum will know what I am talking about. 

My spouse younger sis family all Msian live in Johor Bahru so my news cannot be too far off. They tell us makan and daily groceries for them is more expensive than ours so a lot of them cook if possible. Lodging and transport for them in Msia is definitely cheaper assume lodging is those taman houses and not those atas condo or landed bungalow. But then again their job pay not that high. Think about it if their life spending is cheap why come Spore earn SGD? The fact is their daily spending is not cheap and with depreciating and buay gan MYR they overall lose to us in long term. Their only comfort is got car happy just step accelerator go out eat wind. Petrol govt subsidized some more.

(22-08-2023, 01:19 PM)sgh Wrote:  Makan more ex in SG? That will depend you eat what. For e.g  Spore chup chai png last time here we can get around SGD 2.5 - 3. Inside is already MYR 4 - 5. Now Spore is SGD 4 - 5 I doubt Msia still remain at MYR 4 - 5 possibly 6 - 8. In general what we spend X dollars on eating, in Msia that same thing multiply by 2 times. The JHK and JHB in this forum will know what I am talking about. 

My spouse younger sis family all Msian live in Johor Bahru so my news cannot be too far off. They tell us makan and daily groceries for them is more expensive than ours so a lot of them cook if possible. Lodging and transport for them in Msia is definitely cheaper assume lodging is those taman houses and not those atas condo or landed bungalow. But then again their job pay not that high. Think about it if their life spending is cheap why come Spore earn SGD? The fact is their daily spending is not cheap and with depreciating and buay gan MYR they overall lose to us in long term. Their only comfort is got car happy just step accelerator go out eat wind. Petrol govt subsidized some more.

A little to long for me to read. Thanks anyway

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

Jialat ...

Already gone up a lot yunno.

Freaking expensive still petitioning for hike. Take MRT as far as possible. Only when necessary then take take public taxi Not PHD.

Every one is trying their luck to increase cost at expense of consumers with the help of gov.

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