Phrases that lair commonly like to use

Phrases that lair commonly like to use

Meta AI: Here are some phrases that liars commonly use:

1. _Deflecting phrases_:
    - "I'm telling you the truth!"
    - "Believe me!"
    - "Trust me!"
2. _Vagueness_:
    - "I don't remember"
    - "I'm not sure"
    - "It's hard to explain"
3. _Evasion_:
    - "I'd rather not talk about it"
    - "Let's not focus on that"
    - "That's not important"
4. _Minimization_:
    - "It was just a little white lie"
    - "I only did it once"
    - "It's no big deal"
5. _Blame-shifting_:
    - "You're just being paranoid"
    - "You're overreacting"
    - "It's your fault"
6. _Emotional manipulation_:
    - "You don't trust me?"
    - "You're questioning my integrity?"
    - "I'm hurt that you don't believe me"
7. _Inconsistencies_:
    - Changing their story or details
    - Contradicting themselves or others
8. _Omitting information_:
    - Leaving out important details
    - Withholding information

Keep in mind that using these phrases doesn't necessarily mean someone is lying. However, if you notice a pattern of behavior or inconsistencies, it may indicate deception.

Would you like more information on detecting lies or body language cues?

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Phrases that lair commonly like to use - by Bigiron - 02-08-2024, 10:59 AM

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