please help me to interpret this law

> Defence of property

6.—(1) Nothing in this Act makes it unlawful for the occupier or person in charge of any land to kill, trap or take any wildlife found damaging or destroying the crops or any other property on the land.

the judge is the law, the judge say u are at fault, u are at fault.

all law
are dependent on the judge interpretation.

mean owner has the right to hoot otter ??

(04-03-2023, 02:15 PM)limpeh394 Wrote:

> Defence of property

6.—(1) Nothing in this Act makes it unlawful for the occupier or person in charge of any land to kill, trap or take any wildlife found damaging or destroying the crops or any other property on the land.

It means it is not unlawful for the land owner to kill the animals if the animals cause damage to his property.


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