Pictures released of mother killed with baby by polar bear outside Alaska school

Sravasti Dasgupta
Fri, 20 January 2023 at 8:09 pm SGT

Pictures have been released of a woman and her son who were attacked and killed by a polar bear in a remote western Alaska village.

On Wednesday Alaska State Troopers identified the victims as 24-year-old Summer Myomick and her 1-year-old son Clyde Ongtowasruk.

Authorities said that the incident took place in Wales where the bear “entered the community and chased multiple residents” before fatally attacking “an adult female and juvenile male”.

The troopers noted that the polar bear was shot and killed by a local resident as it attacked the pair.

A GoFundMe account including pictures of both the mother and her baby has been set up by the community to help the family financially.

The fundraiser has described the attack on the mother and son as the first fatal polar bear attack in Alaska in over 30 years.

Rest of the report at:

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