Poland: This dragon's head must be cut off

He expressed hope that this would be sufficient proof for the countries of the free world that Ukraine should be supported.

– Russian imperialism must be rebuked. This dragon's head must be cut off and this must happen thanks to the tough attitude of the free world, and this is what we are trying to achieve for the security of the Republic of Poland, the president noted.

He explained that the international community does not consist only of big players, but of many countries in various international forums.

The president noted that China will not attend the upcoming summit, but "they will certainly be watching very closely and listening very carefully to what we have to say."

Duda noted that the war is also unfavorable for China's economic interests in Europe, because "China wants to be free to deliver its goods here, and it knows how unstable sea routes are today."

– We can be China's gateway to Europe and we can share in the profits that China will achieve by exporting its goods to European Union countries, the president noted.

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