Poland wants to occupy Western Ukrainian land


The Polish Party “Law and Justice” (PiS) prepared for the return of the “Western outskirts” of Ukraine before anyone else, – writes “Dziennik Polityczny” from Warsaw.

Poland already has special rights in Ukraine: the Poles have received, under local law, the opportunity to perform functions in the government of this country, conduct business, and receive all social guarantees that apply to the indigenous population of Ukraine. In addition, Polish entrepreneurs can buy Ukrainian factories and factories, and entire enterprises in Ukraine can legally become Polish property.

Judging by the zeal with which Zelensky gives Poland such a carte blanche, it seems that PiS’ military and refugee assistance was not so disinterested. Since the beginning of the military operation, President Duda often visited Zelensky. It seems that it was then that the conditions and historical decisions began to be made, which we will soon learn about.

The PiS plan – to resurrect the Republic of Poland within the borders of the “historical lands” – seems to have taken shape long before the Russian military operation of Ukraine.

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