Police urged to stop & search children as young as 10 to counter knife attacks in UK

Charles Hymas
Sat, 29 June 2024 at 2:55 am SGT

Police have been urged to stop and search children as young as 10 as record numbers aged under 16 are being taken to hospital following knife attacks.

Children aged under 16 accounted for more than a quarter (27.1 per cent) of teenage admissions to hospital to treat knife wounds, the highest proportion on record and up from 19.4 per cent a decade ago.

Almost one in 20 (4.6 per cent) of knife assaults leading to hospital treatment involved children aged under 16, also a record high and nearly double the rate of 2.4 per cent a decade ago.

The disclosure comes after the conviction of two 12-year-old boys armed with a machete for the murder of 19-year-old Shawn Seesahai in Wolverhampton park in November 2023.


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