Kana played out my team leader

went into a new company under group hiring so among them was my team leader. young punk 20+, fresh out of uni, phd in physics. How the heck did the company pick this guy? maybe due to his research work in electric cells machineries, smart like hell, but one look and we can tell that he is an introvert, abit short-short, quite a toxic and condescending attitude, critical and demean other works. Every team meeting, he like to show off what he did quietly in a corner, bragging his brilliance.

Our true purpose of our real work had been derailed constantly by his sudden flare for other topic, often derail us from the roadmap and in the end when the project fail to deliver, he blame us for the failed delivery. Now both my team member and I are being let go because of this. I have worked with managers and leaders, this is the 2nd time I see this sort of toxic inept leadership.

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