「孫力軍團伙」前司法部長傅政華被判死緩 few china Ex-ministers charge life sentences recently

out of 7, 6 of them already sentence to life sentences recently!
almost all is minister level or closed to minister level & mostly under winnie xi in last 10 yrs!!
what happen? sentence is corruption!! corruption need life sentences so many people? how many? corruption is not norm in top china leaders? whoel world know well, no?
so there is much more, whole world know the reasons! LOL LOL!
this is the end result off china politicians in china politics? hahaa!!
so winnie xi now?



[Image: DFF8715-A-F80-D-480-B-AB00-5-EF7-EE660134.jpg]

[Image: B402-FA13-6-C07-4-F03-A4-A5-B7-D636905-AB2.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor

(26-09-2022, 10:48 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: DFF8715-A-F80-D-480-B-AB00-5-EF7-EE660134.jpg]

[Image: B402-FA13-6-C07-4-F03-A4-A5-B7-D636905-AB2.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor

https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL you

he is police chief of china, sure has gun!
so his sentence is actually assassinate winnie xi?
so many people want to assassinate xi in china?
top down? why like that? there must be lot of valid reasons, no? LOL LOL!

孫力軍被判死緩!非法持槍 涉刺習謀反?



(26-09-2022, 10:48 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: DFF8715-A-F80-D-480-B-AB00-5-EF7-EE660134.jpg]

[Image: B402-FA13-6-C07-4-F03-A4-A5-B7-D636905-AB2.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor

https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif 
Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog

no assassinate winnie xi in china? LOL LOL!
6 out of 7 minister level already sentence to life sentences as above post!
what happen to winnie if he really arrested? 
this is political fight of ccp china, all fight for power, woman, money!! norm in china!!
same to all these moronic comie dogs here!!



(26-09-2022, 10:48 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: DFF8715-A-F80-D-480-B-AB00-5-EF7-EE660134.jpg]

[Image: B402-FA13-6-C07-4-F03-A4-A5-B7-D636905-AB2.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/LPaOZv3nIiIAAAAM...-trump.gif 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

threatening? election till see blood? this is communism & dictator ship, this is also how ccp got their ruling!
ton involved all the top leaders, fight in 2 sides, for china closed or open system to the world!
If top down, likely hundreds of thousands will be affected & jail in life sentences!! 
yet want to cover up! LOL LOL!




(26-09-2022, 10:48 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: DFF8715-A-F80-D-480-B-AB00-5-EF7-EE660134.jpg]

[Image: B402-FA13-6-C07-4-F03-A4-A5-B7-D636905-AB2.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor

[Image: F4093-C87-4798-4445-97-DD-DB82-F2943-B0-E.gif]

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor


ton of china leaders ready to go to jail, either is pro-xi or anti-xi group!!
below is a long list of anti-xi gang!
whether  for power, money or woman, ton ready to get revenge, not norm in china? LOL LOL!

#孙力军#傅政华#刘彦平 等中共杀手,在 #二十大 前相继都被宣判。世界对中共态度的急转直下,中共这台绞肉机加速运转,比以往任何时候都更加血腥更加恐


(26-09-2022, 10:48 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: DFF8715-A-F80-D-480-B-AB00-5-EF7-EE660134.jpg]

[Image: B402-FA13-6-C07-4-F03-A4-A5-B7-D636905-AB2.jpg]

Everybody's know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/LPaOZv3nIiIAAAAM...-trump.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

corruption & death sentence? LOL LOL!
lawless, no?
not 1, already sentenced 6!!!

Death penalty for taking bribes? All about China’s capital crimes


(26-09-2022, 10:48 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: DFF8715-A-F80-D-480-B-AB00-5-EF7-EE660134.jpg]

[Image: B402-FA13-6-C07-4-F03-A4-A5-B7-D636905-AB2.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor

https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL 

Hahaa kokee in extreme pain liao

this 6 sentenced to life sentence is just a warm up in china politics!
wait for next month presidency result, then all will show hands!
death sentence? ton will charge? like back in 1976 mao's time, gang of 4? LOL LOL!



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