similarities in 'Lat' comic from 1970s with behaviour of VIPs today

M'sian netizens see similarities in 'Lat' comic from 1970s with behaviour of VIPs today
Netizens said some things never change.

Faris Alfiq |  January 02, 2022, 10:51 AM

Lat, a popular series of graphic novels drawn by Malaysian cartoonist Mohammad Nor Mohammad Khalid, is making the rounds online after people noticed a certain similarity between events that occurred in the past to the present.

The comic, titled "VIP in the Flood", showed a scene of a flooding incident and a VIP (very important person) visiting the area.
The first panel on the left showed the VIP being escorted to the area affected by the flood.

Subsequent panels showed the VIP in a boat, specifically, a sampan, pushed by a man believed to be a resident in the affected site, looking around the area, and waving to victims.

There was also a cameraman on another boat recording the VIP's visit.

"Some things never change"
Netizens pointed out the apparent similarities between the comic, which was believed to be drawn in 1977, to the recent severe floods in Malaysia.

Some highlighted that the attitudes of the VIP reflected in the comic did not change over time.


What were they expecting?

Jesus Christ Superstar??

Everyone just pretend

If u poor, God help u then

Expecting a VIP to help you?

Think again!!

If the politicians there want to spend time clearing the flood and cleaning the area, the opportunity kopi money will be lost. They think that they will be better off spending their time on how to get more from other sources.


Politicians are the same everywhere. Every disaster is a chance for a photo op.

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