Principles of Government : Republic vs Democracy...

There is a difference.

Giving in to the majority (democracy) risks tyranny of the majority.

Whereas a Republic safeguards the inalienable rights of all  individuals as guaranteed in the constitution protected from the popular whims of the majority.

The founding fathers of Singapore  called Singapore "Republic of Singapore" as a principle to do what is right by the constituency vs what is popular and demanded by the majority.

It is possible for a majority, say of a certain race or ethnicity,  through its democratic  voting power elect a govt that suppresses the minority. 

Hitler was a popularly and democratically elected leader. 

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Hitler was a popularly and democratically elected leader.

If don't trust own Leader, trust who? mati mati together On the house.

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