Like Singapore, Saudi offers tax breaks for foreign companies to locate their HQ

"RIYADH, Dec 5 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Tuesday it will offer tax incentives for foreign companies that locate their regional headquarters in the kingdom, including a 30-year exemption for corporate income tax.

The world's top oil exporter announced in February 2021 plans to cease awarding government contracts to companies whose regional headquarters are not located in the kingdom by Jan. 1, 2024.

The ultimatum, part of efforts by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to wean the economy off oil by creating new industries that would generate jobs for Saudis, has escalated the kingdom's competition with regional business hub the United Arab Emirates."


Tiny Singapore to face a formidable bigger competitor ..

30 years tax free : How?


Setting up HQ in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia offering corp tax @ O % for 30 years 

Is a direct threat to Singapore.

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