Black Feb 2022 ...HSI 28% collapse

[Image: YTi63CP.jpg]

This is a historic market event. Although not much talk about it.

It is the biggest leg down since the Fiancial crisis in 2008. The one month move down was 28%.

Do note the composition of HSI did change over time to jnclude more Chinese stocks and chjna tech stocks.

Interestingly every where else in Asia markets fell much less and almost mundane during this period.

The factors causing the fall includes covid situation, china slowdown and china tech sector issues.

Whether 10yrs from now we look back and see this as 2009 where everything collapsed and everyone too scared or just the beginning of a downfall that drag on for years ....

For me the way to treat the is to go jn and examine individual stocks. There is an unprecedented yield of HK stocks which I don't think are value traps. One can start with the easy maths.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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