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Putin is the man! Approval = 83%

Putin has a DEVASTATING message for NATO and he's not bluffing | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Sep 22, 2022  Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed his nation today and announced a “partial military mobilization.” In civilian speak, this means that he is ramping up his country’s efforts in Ukraine. He says that the West has thwarted peace talks and if Russian borders are threatening, he is ready to escalate. And he's not bluffing.



 Sep 22, 2022  在哈尔科夫州一场大撤退后,普京终于做出了“改变”,他决定将战争升级。今天下午,莫斯科时间晚上八点,普京发表了全国电视讲话。这场讲话预示着俄乌战争从第一阶段正式转入第二阶段。

(22-09-2022, 06:52 PM)kokee Wrote:  alanis=cityhantam, clone!!
this comie liar used thread title & posts to con or brainwash morons here 7/24!! almost 100% using communist sources of lies & fake!!
still got morons here believe putin got >20% support in russia today? LOL LOL!!

this most comie liar in this forum, bump up old thread uet tis thread title valid today? whole world know is BS & human with common sense today also know is total lies!!
yet got morons here believe, real morons!!

80%? from his ass since this thread started, full of lies!!
got 20% now is already greatest joke today!!

russia & putin lost till pantless in Ukraine war, both military & economy already total collapse, almost 80k of russia army died, another almost 150k of seriously injured, now still mobilize, still got morons in russia today vote for him?? all these brainless comie dogs here & their top liars, Cityhantam here!!
all these real morons!!


俄軍全殲烏克蘭第28特戰旅坦克團!俄國防部宣布戰爭總動員首日1萬名老兵報名參戰 俄國防部公佈徵招人員年齡限制中士- 最高35歲初級軍官 - 50歲高級軍官 - 55歲 “東羅馬”東正教皇為戰士祈禱


普丁發動對美國“聖戰”!莫斯科講話反“盎格魯薩克遜”反“新殖民主義”演講震驚世界 俄烏戰爭已經升級為文明衝突和宗教戰爭 俄羅斯高舉反殖反帝大旗向西方正式宣戰 美國用美元霸權殖民全世界時代必將終結


(30-09-2022, 12:12 PM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs here 7/24 bark russia victory, referendum pass, 100k of NK army are fighting in Ukraine, chechen rubbish & ton more of lies & BS!
how strong is russia economy, Europe kneel down to russia on oil & gas kind of lies!
now just bomb the pipes, all happy!! no more oil & gas from russia, bark more!! LOL LOL!
real fact & truth is russia, both military & economy already bankrupt!!
same to china economy & military!!, comie liars can continue their BS!! NORM to these dogs here!!

RUSSIA Economy COLLAPSEs as MASS EXODUS Continues & MILLIONS Decide to Flee Mobilization in Russia

as above, today russia army died & injury till no more army to fight, need to mobilized yet millions run road & flee to avoid mobilized, millions of family bankrupt, broken because of Ukraine war, still got morons in russia support putin? my foot, morons also dont believe putin got support today!
all the riots & protest across almost all city in russia today to boycott putin, still 83% by dogs here? hahaaa, got 8.3%? my foot!!

putin invade & annex, this is just a law of animal, Ukraine will teach a good lesson to russia & putin on inhuman & uncivilized way too!
how many 10 of thousands of russia army are surrounded by Ukraine & their life is on Ukraine hands now!! why not just end them like what putin was doing?
russia already no more army, weapons & ammunition now, economy already bankrupt, still want face?
putin is worse than hitler, no? how about winnie?
worry of WW3? need to face it with all these insane around, same as all the comie dogs in this forum together with their brainless suupportes!!

RUSSIA Economy Faces COLLAPSE After Annexation of Ukrainian Land as West Replies with MORE SANCTIONS

(02-10-2022, 08:59 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  


Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
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