Putin seeks Korean scenario to carve Ukraine in two.

Ukraine's military intelligence head says Russian President Vladimir Putin could be looking to carve Ukraine in two – like North and South Korea.

Brigadier-General Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine's Defence Intelligence Agency, said Russia's operations around Kyiv had failed and it was now impossible for the Russian army to overthrow the Ukrainian government. Mr Putin's war was now focused on the south and the east of the country, he said.

"There is reason to believe that he is considering a 'Korean' scenario for Ukraine

If Putin is able to achieve his object to carve Ukraine in two..

Singapore leaders then, have created a long term enemy, Russia for themselves.

It will be complicating and more disturbing for Singaporeans.

(27-03-2022, 07:04 PM)kokee Wrote:  problem with putin is where is he now> no one know as he is in hiding mode now.
putin dare not meet anyone now, almost all his closest people leave him, many russia top leader & rich want putin life, ton of russian want him to step down, western world want him to be out forever.

this moron here BS & lie again & again, who bother all these nonsense when Russia army are totally lost now, casualty are so high till defense ministers & all top commanders also run to hide now. Putin is even worse, hide in fear now as so many russian are looking for him, real clown now.
weapons, food & war supplies of russian army almost all cut off now, this oron can only keep threatening using nukes & biochem weapons, like rat & dogs now, kena chase & run in the dark now, LOL LOL, this moron still bark all these BS when the whole of russian army almost collapse now.


普丁躲「複製辦公室」行蹤成謎?眾叛親離高官全神隱 寡頭要普丁償命!


this moronic putin, twist & turn like communist, keep shifting target till nothing now, moron still want face, LOL LOL.
where is he hiding now> why so scared if he is not in danger, come out & bark lah, LOL LOL.
what rubbish korea scenario, why not continue to fight till whole russia gone, real clown.



Today, it's easy for PM Lee to convince Biden to engage China in Asia Pacific but maybe impossible into dragging US to counter balance both China/Russia for the sake of Singapore.

China/Russia together will have much stronger influence in Asean region.

Should adopt Vietnam scenario instead.👍

NU & SU.

(28-03-2022, 12:35 PM)Blin Wrote:  NU & SU.

One like N Korea firing missile at will

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