Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history...

Circulating on WhatsApp. Good read especially for sgbutt...

The Business of Creating War (Do we really want peace on earth?)

If you have never asked this question or have been asking this question but somehow can't conceptualise the answer. Please read on.

Today late morning my wife told me, war had started in Ukraine, Putin had ordered special military operations in Ukraine. It did not come as a surprise to me but my first reaction was, 'Which news network reported it? Can we trust them?' It appeared that all new outlets were reporting on it. It was hot.

The reaction from Europe and US was swift. They would impose more sanctions and stop the certification of the already built second pipeline from Russia to Europe which will enable Russia to supply 80% of European total energy needs. As it is, Russia is already supplying 40% of European energy demand.

The question must be asked why Putin would act in such a way to incur such a economic hit just to protect the sovereignty of two small regions of Donetsk and Luhansk which has a total population of 2.7 million people combined. And why would Europe forgo 40% of its guaranteed, relatively cheap energy supply to risk energy supply shortages and higher cost? It doesn't make sense. After all Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk are not part of EU or NATO. Something else must be going on here.

That something else started with the collapse of the former Soviet Union in the early nineties and resulted in America being the only super power dominating everything and anything that happens on planet earth. The only possible rival to their power would be the European Union and a revived Russia if given the chance.

And this must never be allowed to happen from the American viewpoint. Why share if you can take everything without any restraint or suffer any consequence for your actions. At the time China was poor, weak, and backward. Surely the Americans can handle them all.

_Putin after taking over the presidency did personally ask Clinton for Russia to join NATO in the mid nineties. He was flatly refused._ Again why let the Americans' total control in NATO be diluted by a member such as Russia? Not only that *in the next two decades America has recruited 13 ex-Soviet allies to join NATO and deploy strategic offensive weapons closer and closer to the Russian border* .

*For America to maintain its total dominance in Europe, two things must happen. Europe must not rise above America and Russia must never be allowed to join Europe to recover as a super power* ever again.

The Europeans are not stupid, they created the Euro dollar in 1 Jan 1999 to challenge the US dollar. Knowing the significance of such a challenge from Europe, In March 1998 the Americans dragged NATO into the War in Kosovo which ended in June 1999. The timing was perfect, *because of the war, funds were flowing from Europe to Wall Street* as the Euro dollar kick started right in the middle of a European War. Wall Street won hands down. The Euro dollar did not have its expected impact.

This world does not want peace, or at least the Americans don't want it. In fact they were so powerful then *they actually bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during the war and suffered absolutely no consequence* . The Americans reigned supreme. Europe was trapped, Russia was down and China was weak. This is the order that works perfectly for the Americans.

Fast forward to today. In the past ten years Europe has been doing more and more business with Russia and China. *The Americans are not happy with the peace and prosperity these three continents are enjoying. Peace and prosperity in these regions mean less sales for US weapons (the biggest export of US industry is weapon systems)* and goodness, what if they actually surpass the Americans in global influence and power. This must not happen.

In 2014, the seed of another war was planted in Ukraine. *The democratically elected Ukrainian government was toppled by CIA. They incited riots and colour revolution and was replaced by a pro-US puppet government* . In 2019 this government put in its constitution that Ukraine will join NATO. If this happens Americans forces and weapons will be stationed right at the doorstep of Russia not far from Moscow.

*To provoke Putin even further US sanctioned against the second gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. Both Europe and Russia were pushed to the limits by Uncle Sam* . *The Americans just want war on other people's land so they can maintain their hegemony in the world* . And there are stupid enough nations like Ukraine who will buy into their twisted plot.

The only way for Putin to get some security away from the American military mad truck was to get Ukraine to revoke its constitution in joining NATO and to promise not to apply to join NATO ever. Hence he is putting the pressure on Ukraine with his latest military ops in Donetsk.

Among all the chaos, *Europe stands to lose 40% of its cheap energy supply, Russia will lose billions and billions in gas revenue, funds will flow form Europe to US* and Yes, *the Americans love wars* .

Watch out, *Taiwan will be the next Ukraine* and next target in Uncle Sam's hit list - - China. There is *no nation more evil than the United States of America* .
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Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by sgbuffett - 26-02-2022, 09:04 AM
RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by pervertosan - 26-02-2022, 09:08 AM
RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by Napoleon Porlumpar - 26-02-2022, 09:54 AM
RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by RichDad - 26-02-2022, 10:03 AM
RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by sgbuffett - 26-02-2022, 10:06 AM
RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by RichDad - 26-02-2022, 10:26 AM
RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by *天哥* - 26-02-2022, 10:51 AM
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RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by sgbuffett - 26-02-2022, 10:20 AM
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RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by *天哥* - 26-02-2022, 10:50 AM
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RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by RichDad - 26-02-2022, 12:32 PM
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RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by webinarian - 26-02-2022, 09:38 PM
RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by sgbuffett - 26-02-2022, 09:53 PM
RE: Putin, the new Hitler ...repeats history... - by Fleetdestroyer - 26-02-2022, 10:44 PM

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