Quantum hype bubble about to burst - over investment little results

So many applications for security and crypto has alternatives that are far cheaper. The payback time is just too long so after so much money is thrown in with so little commercial viable products the funding will just dry up.

The trend towards funding quantum research js just hype following you do because others do. Just like blockchain.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

My friend is working in start-up.

Remember the quote: Data is new oil ???

Now VC also dont buy in this crap. They want accountable revenue....now.


I think big countries have the money and people so they should still do the research. For Singapore, we're simply don't have enough people to do it. Yet, the clueless Heng Swee Kiat wants sinkies to venture into this area.

[Image: Screenshot-20221106-224800-Chrome.jpg]

it's the same for ai which has gone thru multiple winters, booms and busts, 几经多少辛酸血泪,after 50 to 60 yrs of never say die, only now then starting to see the results. similarly it won't be easy for qc but it will succeed eventually

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