Quit your job in 1 year by making sure-win 100k playing option

(07-01-2023, 09:12 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  O wait, this youtube was made in 2021 Dec... whoever followed got fcuked! Rotfl

He is a genius to make you believe in his hair brain ideas.
Anyway the one good quality about him is he can U turn on his convictions on a dime. He can spend hours making a video to buy more Tesla then one week later U turn on that. Problem is most of his followers just keep following the earlier idea and get burnt.

Previously Chicken Genius was an options course peddler
He will stand in front of the class to teach and claim this method and that "sure work" as if free money ....then leave you to get burnt.

Still his one lucky connon shot fired at Tesla with $250K did net him.millioms. ....to brag about.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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