RUSSIA DEFAULTS ON DEBT. DISASTER For Russian Reputation & Future Debt.

Gravitas: Russian Rouble surges as Asian currencies slide

Agreed. A contract is a contract and the bond issuer cannot break the contract but if another entity bans the issuer from using the currency as stated in the contract then the issuer is forced to default - not that the issuer is bankrupt or insolvent.

So who's fault?

Please use your brain instead of emotion to come to a conclusion!


Any decent human being can see that this is a force ma·jeure case created by US. Thus Russia is absolved from all responsibility...... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
[+] 1 user Likes Huliwang's post

(27-06-2022, 01:43 PM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs bark how strong is ruble like crazy here 7/24, strong till bankrupt, russia sell oil like hot cake to india & china & all the BS.
Now no money totally, cant even pay debt, default, totally gone case for future debt, bond & reputation, no one will trust such rubbish country anymore yet more sanction on the way from G7 & globally, so what is russia economy today? bankrupt, all the comie liars here spam lies 7/24.
Once Europe cut off russia oil & gas totally, much worse than today. 
Lelong their oil at US$50? then what will happen to oil price globally? sell oil? my foot, bankrupt.

RUSSIA DEFAULTS ON DEBT For First Time Since 1917. DISASTER For Russian Reputation & Future Debt.

all these know nut comie dogs, strong ruble, so what? who want? putin can fix ruble at 1:1 to US$, but who F care. Like in 1997 asia crisis, mahathir fixed RM to USD at 1 : 3.8.
Important is your country economy able to make money from trading, if no income, no reserved now, putin bark what also BS, like current ruble.
Russia bankrupt now with default bond & debt, no more income now after Europe cut off russia oil & gas, now G7 banned russia gold, nothing to sell, no money to buy, no one want ruble, russia go & F yourself like Iran & venezuella, yet more sanction on the way.

all these know nut & moronic comie, owe USD pay USD, norm. If they have ruble, go & exchange to USD & pay, unless no one want ruble or ruble cannot be exchanged due to not free float in market.
dogs here bark strong ruble but bankrupt & default on debt & bond, strong shit!!
russian in russia use ruble almost cant get anything, spare parts or foreign medicine.

EU Destroyed Russian Economy! Putin's Economy is Collapsing


(28-06-2022, 11:39 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these know nut comie dogs, strong ruble, so what? who want? putin can fix ruble at 1:1 to US$, but who F care. Like in 1997 asia crisis, mahathir fixed RM to USD at 1 : 3.8.
Important is your country economy able to make money from trading, if no income, no reserved now, putin bark what also BS, like current ruble.
Russia bankrupt now with default bond & debt, no more income now after Europe cut off russia oil & gas, now G7 banned russia gold, nothing to sell, no money to buy, no one want ruble, russia go & F yourself like Iran & venezuella, yet more sanction on the way.

all these know nut & moronic comie, owe USD pay USD, norm. If they have ruble, go & exchange to USD & pay, unless no one want ruble or ruble cannot be exchanged due to not free float in market.
dogs here bark strong ruble but bankrupt & default on debt & bond, strong shit!!
russian in russia use ruble almost cant get anything, spare parts or foreign medicine.

EU Destroyed Russian Economy! Putin's Economy is Collapsing

U master of talking coks....West is asking for mercy liao. Laughing

一周對策 | 盧布償債令: 俄罗斯給美歐 上第七道菜 2022 0627   


Russia already made order to settle all bonds in Ruble just like settlement of all gas in Ruble.   

There is no default!!!   

Because US disallow Russia to use USD or Euro, so Russia use ruble to settle. It is not that Russia didn't pay but modify the payments to Ruble.  


(28-06-2022, 10:14 AM)sporeguy Wrote:  Agreed. A contract is a contract and the bond issuer cannot break the contract but if another entity bans the issuer from using the currency as stated in the contract then the issuer is forced to default - not that the issuer is bankrupt or insolvent.

So who's fault?

Please use your brain instead of emotion to come to a conclusion!


Is that written in the Contract? Say before, no point arguing without reading the Contracts. If it is covered in the Contract, quite sure the issuer, in this case, the Russian Government must clarify after showing the Contract.; otherwise, how are future bond buyers going to believe it.

Trading Economics:  In China, employed persons refer to who performed some work for one hour during the reference period.

No point arguing. Need a hero to buy Russian bonds today

aiptasia is now in my ignored list.
Omi.. Thank you for bumping up the message.


China Mastermind.

(28-06-2022, 04:42 PM)revealer Wrote:  Is that written in the Contract?  Say before,  no point arguing without reading the Contracts.  If it is covered in the Contract,  quite sure the issuer,  in this case, the Russian Government must clarify after showing the Contract.;  otherwise,  how are future bond buyers going to believe it.

The parties involved in the contract willing to accept, what can other says?

There is such a thing as force majeure in contract. It is not I don't want to pay but the circumstances change beyond my control. Even that, I still prepare to pay. What can others say? 

[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

Ruble is a strong currency now and can be converted to other currencies easily.

If you have Ruble now,you can sell to all the EU countries as they scrambled to buy Ruble to pay for Russia gas. 

Russian lady central bank chief is genius. 


(28-06-2022, 05:24 PM)webinarian Wrote:  The parties involved in the contract willing to accept, what can other says?

There is such a thing as force majeure in contract. It is not I don't want to pay but the circumstances change beyond my control. Even that, I still prepare to pay. What can others say? 


There might be a clause on force majeure in the contract but there must also be a proper procedure to present them and not for anyone to brush aside with a simple statement. Now the bondholders are not getting paid is real. Russian authorities will have to resolve it as soon as possible for whatever good reasons they might have.

Trading Economics:  In China, employed persons refer to who performed some work for one hour during the reference period.

(29-06-2022, 06:57 AM)kokee Wrote:  NATO expand rapid response team from 40k to 300k army to deal with russia, station on russia border or nearby.
with advanced NATO & US weapons.russia army already 70-80% death, fight?
wait for russia ammunition, anyhow bomb till finish or act immediately?

北约快速部队从4万急剧扩充到30万! 将集结于东欧,针对俄军!

G7 leaders vow support to Ukraine, seeking to impose more economic sanctions on Russia

still has morons here believe russia say & lies? they sure bark lies that they will never default but the hard truth is already in global media? no money to pay yet dont want default, norm for dictator to lie whatever they can.
all these communist video used by cityhantam, still got brainless here trust? got karma to believe in lies 7/24, good luck.

as above, will continue with more sanction till russia total bankrupt.
G7 ban russia gold, no more income now, need money to fight war, wait to die only.

russia has no money now, default their debt & bond, Europe cut off their oil & gas supply, beside oil & gas, what else russia can offer to the world? wheat? food? my foot.
Now russia bankrupt, going for long recession like Iran & NK, go back to 80s or even 70s soon.
more sanction on the way till they surrender in all aspect of life.
nothing russia can do now, no more alliance, even china also pokai, throw a bone & let 2 dogs to fight.

RUSSIA Faces 10 YEAR RECESSION due to SANCTIONS Warns CEO of Russia's Largest Bank Sberbank.


russia already default debt & bankrupt.
more sanction on the way like lituania block all train & road into russia, russia is real desperate now without good & products.
stop all russia oil & gas trading, also ban all russia gold export, no income, eat shit.

Putin Has Plunged Russia into Bankruptcy! 


almost all foreign company withdraw from russia due to sanction, ton of job lost.
sanction caused super high inflation, no money yet super high price, domestic market also near collapse, same as china now.
when oil & gas plus gold all fully cut off by Europe & globally, eat shit.



Fake news of Russian default!!!   

Where is the default? Only flg said so.   

Laughing Laughing Laughing  

(27-06-2022, 11:16 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Alam Kok,  

See this Zabao sourced from Finland. In 100 days, Russia already made 93 billion Euro, huat until buay rin chu.  

Laughing Laughing Laughing      

[Image: Ukraine44-2.png]

whole world know russia default their debt except know nut comie liar here bark lies from ass.

russia basically bankrupt now, no money, jobless surges, inflation surge to sky, more sanction, both economy & military are collapsing.
will be like NK, only use nuke to threaten world peace for now.

7.1 【俄羅斯違約破產!】俄國百年來首次國債違約,經濟制裁開始見效,普京可以頂到幾耐?


(28-06-2022, 07:53 AM)sporeguy Wrote:  This is the funniest - as if Russia worries about its reputation!

And RiseofAsia is right - payment is stopped by US! Not that Russia has no money!

Get it Talk Cock kokee! Really joke of the century! The big bully prevents the innocent party from paying - and the lapdogs of the bully screamed default!

russia no money, default debt, now enter war economy, means russian is almost free labour now to serve russia army to fight in war.
work for 16-20 hrs/day, no rest time, for tthe glory of russia, work till died!!! swee!!!



Who let the kokee out woof woof

Bankrupt kokee loser

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

(16-07-2022, 01:32 PM)kokee Wrote:  Russia economy game over now.
look at Ukraine war, russia army totally cant fight, wait to be slaughtered like all comie dogs here!!!
same to russia economy, after sanction, frozen & SWIFT till today, 80% gone.
china economy also crashing fast now, will follow russia to holan just  a matter of time!!!

Who the fark cares about your lies? Rotfl

Laughing Russian amdk dont need to worry…many russian lovers here will support them with body and bank account

Russia economy game over now.
look at Ukraine war, russia army totally cant fight, wait to be slaughtered like all comie dogs here!!!
same to russia economy, after sanction, frozen & SWIFT till today, 80% gone.
china economy also crashing fast now, will follow russia to holan just  a matter of time!!!


(03-07-2022, 07:32 AM)webinarian Wrote:  Fake news of Russian default!!!   

Where is the default? Only flg said so.   

Laughing Laughing Laughing  

Bankrupt loser kokee 

Who let the slave kokee and stooge’s out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 

mad dogs

russia default bond & bankrupt now, whole world know Europe going to stop buying oil & gas from russia by end of this yr, russia economy totally gone case soon!!
Russia will be like IRan & NK in 1-2 yrs time, no way to run now!
more sanction to russia on the way!

SANCTIONS Will DEVASTATE Russian Economy as soon as Europe Stops Buying Russian Energy.


Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
Bankrupt loser kokee

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