Raising the South China Sea tension

The South China Sea is not clearly demarcated to show what parts belong to China and what parts belong to the Philippines and other countries. 

And there is no functioning international authority out there to remind a vessel that it had run off-course. 

China claims nearly all of the South China Sea as its territorial waters by virtue of its so-called nine-dash or ten-dash line. 

For its part, the US lays no claim to any part thereof, and is not even a signatory to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos), which the international community recognizes as the law of the oceans. 

But the US seems to recognize no limitation to its global reach.

It has obviously decided to patrol the South China Sea as the Philippines' defense partner under their Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) of 1951.


phillipines is a weaker country in all aspects as compared to other china n other sea countries
so bully by xi
also xi is weakening us to diversify his might on gaza ukarina taiwan issues

Pinoyland has a lot to learn from the Ukrainian (stupidity)  in last 23 months. Big Grin

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwwakV0eYjALAUrtDVGio...s&usqp=CAU]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(10-01-2024, 02:31 PM)talky Wrote:  phillipines is a weaker country in all aspects as compared to other china n other sea countries
so bully by xi
also xi is weakening us to diversify his might on gaza ukarina taiwan issues

US gov sent $ and weapons to other countries to fight their war.

Chinese gov sent $ and trade with other countries to enhance peace.

Who is the responsible for making itself weak ?

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

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