Raj on " Foreign Talent" Policies - why S'pore govt has wrong focus

(04-06-2023, 02:58 PM)Clyde Wrote:  Both my children are not interested in medical even though they have good results. One of them told me he did not want to do anything with the sick or death.
Note also that for engineering course, they have already lowered the standard/entry requirement until cannot lower any further. Last time was straight 'A', and now between 'B 'and 'C'. Now the number of foreign students is more than the local students. During the 80s, almost all are local students and few Malaysians.

I'm talking about things in general and dun apply to the minority. Is it not true that most people now will gravitate only to courses that give them the highest prospects?

(04-06-2023, 01:10 PM)winbig Wrote:  Whether one can enter university depends on one's ability. Not everyone is academically inclined. Some can burn the midnight oil and study very hard everyday but in the end cannot means cannot. It's true.

A level full marks in Singapore no guarantee a place in medical school… this is hard truth and gov try to import many many CeCa doctors.. what happens ?!!! Can explains ?!! 


(04-06-2023, 06:40 PM)cwc29 Wrote:  A level full marks in Singapore no guarantee a place in medical school… this is hard truth and gov try to import many many CeCa doctors.. what happens ?!!! Can explains ?!! 


I guess it's not just academic result they are looking at. Nowadays, there are other qualities such as leadership, etc. Criterias have changed. It's no longer like in the past where they look purely at academic results.

the right thing is balance.
at the moment it is off balance again. singapore talent are being retrence once the door is open again.

those guarding the door need to ensure that no singapore head count is retrench directly or hidden type. before granting permit.

if not they have failed their own fellow citizen
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(04-06-2023, 07:03 PM)sclim Wrote:  the right thing is balance.
at the moment it is off balance again. singapore talent are being retrence once the door is open again.

those guarding the door need to ensure that no singapore head count is retrench directly or hidden type. before granting permit.

if not they have failed their own fellow citizen

But before they can balance, they must have the right priorities

that is why their strategies end up with poor results

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(04-06-2023, 06:40 PM)cwc29 Wrote:  A level full marks in Singapore no guarantee a place in medical school… this is hard truth and gov try to import many many CeCa doctors.. what happens ?!!! Can explains ?!! 


very simple example.

500 students - A level full marks 
100 CECA doctors - to be imported for job market and housing market(foreigners needed to boost HDB resale market)
200 doctors required - in job markets

medical schools will take in 100 local medical students only.
500 students will compete for 100 vacancies.

100 selected students and 100 CECA doctors will meet the market demand of 200 doctors.

it's been so ever since 1 smart alec became the leader


anything that benefits the party
they will get concerned get involved


anything that does not concern involve benefit them
they turn a deaf ear

out of money
increase tax increase that
deciding which GCB to move to

here does not belong to you and me

unless you vote wisely

Ask ourselves why after koh boon hwee, Peter seah etc we no longer has a poster kid that we can talk abt.

Same thing for creative Sim.

Coz whatever chance than can be used to groom the next poster kid, now the chance belong to a FT, who might never intend to stay in sinkie land for long.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

very simple.
why import of foreigners/CECA cannot be stopped ?

if import of foreigners/CECA are stopped, HDB resale market will collapse.
BTO and resale prices will crash and many millionaire HDB owners will become poor.
poor HDB owners will become angry voters.
angry voters mean end of PAP govt.

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