Relooking at success (very good video that everyone should watch)

In this video, Harvard professor discussed meritocracy in our society and urged us to relook at how people should view our achievements, or non-achievements. He put forward a thesis that successful people are in fact successful not due to their own doing, but largely contributed by factors outside their control. By acknowledging that luck plays a big part to success, "successful" people will have humility in admitting that "not so successful" people deserve as much respect as anyone else, and to recognize that a cleaner is as important as a physician.

"All labour has dignity" - he exhorted that this is now the time for a moral turning questioning our meritocratic hubris. "Do I morally deserve the talents that enable me to flourish? Is it my doing that I live in a society that prizes the talents that I happen to have?" These are all poignant questions that he posed to us.


I had a discussion with someone in HWZ some weeks ago. He claimed he's an American (but not sure residing where).

I pointed to him USA's tax system flaws in that the rich pay lower taxes than the poor. He defended their system by saying that the rich deserve to get away with paying less taxes because they are able to hire people who will help them to evade taxes.

This is precisely what the Harvard professor was saying, that the more successful thought that they can get away with things because they have the means to do so. They never think that they should be contributing more, and worst of all, the system allows them to do so.

China is doing the right thing. The rich need to contribute more because they make use of people who work long hours for them while paying them a lot lesser than they pay themselves. The inequality must be reduced.

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