Rothschild : My family created Israel
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LMAO Bilahari

Bilahari is an idiot.
[+] 2 users Like Blasterlord2's post

(16-10-2023, 04:31 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Bilahari is an idiot.

If you read his post while he say not to take sides but you can get the hint he is on Israeli side. He come from the angle when you are attacked and you want to survive is to retaliate back. He quote the Batam incident targeting Spore as an e.g So essentially in his mind Spore is like Israel. This train of thought is going to make our North and South neighbours angry lor.

only i can decide what i wanto do when my neighbours cat starts urinating at my gate!

(16-10-2023, 04:59 PM)menghuii Wrote:  only i can decide what i wanto do when my neighbours cat starts urinating at my gate!

Spore can ill afford to make other countries angry. We are a small little red dot. Our politicians talk wrong we kena. Our armor vehicles detained in HK harbor is an e.g of China indirectly hinting you don't open mouth anyhow talk.

(16-10-2023, 04:56 PM)sgh Wrote:  If you read his post while he say not to take sides but you can get the hint he is on Israeli side. He come from the angle when you are attacked and you want to survive is to retaliate back. He quote the Batam incident targeting Spore as an e.g So essentially in his mind Spore is like Israel. This train of thought is going to make our North and South neighbours angry lor.

This guy is also anti-China. He warned against China's influence operations but did not mention that of US's. In many occasions he anyhow blurt nonsense and sabotage our relations with China. What an ambassador!
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(16-10-2023, 05:10 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  This guy is also anti-China. He warned against China's influence operations but did not mention that of US's. In many occasions he anyhow blurt nonsense and sabotage our relations with China. What an ambassador!

Take it with a pinch of salt lor. He can say China but he cannot say US. Someone say ermao supporter.

Rothschild family literally own this world.

is the matter how they want to benefit more ......

(16-10-2023, 04:56 PM)sgh Wrote:  If you read his post while he say not to take sides but you can get the hint he is on Israeli side. He come from the angle when you are attacked and you want to survive is to retaliate back. He quote the Batam incident targeting Spore as an e.g So essentially in his mind Spore is like Israel. This train of thought is going to make our North and South neighbours angry lor.

he's a civil servant what................S'pore is a Zionist colony...........

Satan Club

[Image: IMG-0617.webp]

(16-10-2023, 04:31 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Bilahari is an idiot.

Even though he is mostly idiotic but on dis matter his views no wrong yah. Keep in mind it almost impossible for a muslim to side with Israel. Please hor, Sinpwn has been the target of dis idiot radicals many times liao.  Mas Selamat's JI cell group wanted to sabo our water supply etc, SIA kenna hijack, oso the Batam projectile plot which most of us forgot liao. They oways have justification to attack the little red dot to their mind.

Israel created Hamas.

(16-10-2023, 10:46 PM)cityhantam Wrote:

Criminal government. 
Hamas was created so that Israel can play the victim card.
How vicious.

(16-10-2023, 11:58 PM)Obamao Wrote:  Criminal government. 
Hamas was created so that Israel can play the victim card.
How vicious.
As per Quran, Moses was brought up by Pharaoh’s wife at their palace.Finally Pharaoh was defeated by Moses.Same thing can happen with Hamas and Israel.

Nothing's wrong with Bilahari's opinions.

Judaism, believe or not, is the most oppressed religion. Judaism despite predating Christianity and Islam, their believers only numbered in millions. Christianity has hundred of millions while Islam has billion.

From the point of views of religion. Christians see Jews as people who are responsible for the deaths of Jesus. It is not without reason that Hitler target Jews. Hitler is very aware of the rooted hatred and made use of that hatred to unite and solidify his own position. For Islam, they originated in middle east, the Arabs world. They happen to neighbor with Judaism. Islam see itself as the one true faith and have huge emphasize on memberships so when they conquered Jerusalem, they islamize it and of course try to convert the Jews into Muslims.

Jews basically get fucked by both Christians and Muslims. When you get fucked left and right, you tend to adapt a certain mindset, especially when come to using force. Especially when you start looking at their history, Palestinians were never that friendly to them as propaganda proclaimed. In 1929, there was a Hebron massacre which predate WW2. Jews already being human trying to co-exist with Muslims, they have 2m of them in Israel while the entire Muslim world ethnic cleansed the Jews.

My personal view is that Jews were the chosen ones but they rejected Jesus. Hence, the lord accepted all others into the house of God. Jews while still blessed will get hinted again and again that it is only thru Jesus that one returns to God. Islam came after Jesus although they take their origin back to old testament which is closely related to Jews practice. In my personal view Catholic and Islam are anti-christ, because they have their own practice towards God while they acknowledge Jesus in some ways. If you take the teaching and words from Christ, he mentioned that there will be anti-christ that will come to influence the people.

All these religions worship the same Almighty God, Yahweh. And according to some researchers Yahweh can be found in your DNA sequences. So all beings on earth are but created by one God.

Religions are however tinted by man for each own selfish vested reason. So my own practice is to pray to God and try to build on that relationship. Most of the time I'm like talking to myself or air, I don't get any responses or at least not the way I understand. But I continue to do so and try my best to keep to the cross and stay the path of the light. Amen.

rothschild created israel?? gibmeAbreak

thats why the whole daam fam forever a child!

(17-10-2023, 10:29 AM)Sticw Wrote:  My personal view is that Jews were the chosen ones but they rejected Jesus. Hence, the lord accepted all others into the house of God. Jews while still blessed will get hinted again and again that it is only thru Jesus that one returns to God. Islam came after Jesus although they take their origin back to old testament which is closely related to Jews practice. In my personal view Catholic and Islam are anti-christ, because they have their own practice towards God while they acknowledge Jesus in some ways. If you take the teaching and words from Christ, he mentioned that there will be anti-christ that will come to influence the people.

All these religions worship the same Almighty God, Yahweh. And according to some researchers Yahweh can be found in your DNA sequences. So all beings on earth are but created by one God.

Religions are however tinted by man for each own selfish vested reason. So my own practice is to pray to God and try to build on that relationship. Most of the time I'm like talking to myself or air, I don't get any responses or at least not the way I understand. But I continue to do so and try my best to keep to the cross and stay the path of the light. Amen.
Muslim believe Jesus is a mighty messenger and messenger and He will kill the Antichrist/ Dajjal in Jerusalem on his second coming.

(17-10-2023, 05:13 PM)Hope Wrote:  Muslim believe Jesus is a mighty messenger and messenger and He will kill the Antichrist/ Dajjal in Jerusalem on his second coming.
So the anti-christ is yet to appear and only in Jerusalem will he/she rise to power before Jesus returns?

(17-10-2023, 10:29 AM)Sticw Wrote:  My personal view is that Jews were the chosen ones but they rejected Jesus. Hence, the lord accepted all others into the house of God. Jews while still blessed will get hinted again and again that it is only thru Jesus that one returns to God. Islam came after Jesus although they take their origin back to old testament which is closely related to Jews practice. In my personal view Catholic and Islam are anti-christ, because they have their own practice towards God while they acknowledge Jesus in some ways. If you take the teaching and words from Christ, he mentioned that there will be anti-christ that will come to influence the people.

All these religions worship the same Almighty God, Yahweh. And according to some researchers Yahweh can be found in your DNA sequences. So all beings on earth are but created by one God.

Religions are however tinted by man for each own selfish vested reason. So my own practice is to pray to God and try to build on that relationship. Most of the time I'm like talking to myself or air, I don't get any responses or at least not the way I understand. But I continue to do so and try my best to keep to the cross and stay the path of the light. Amen.

Fwd: Summary
Should NOT be all things ‘Israel’ amidst the leftist terminology of ‘anti-semitism’.  True Biblical discernment is not ‘knowing the difference between right and wrong’ but rather ‘knowing the difference between right and ALMOST right’...

1. Jew - Of Judean origin. (‘Modern’ term - since King James, from tribe of Judah)

2. Israelite - Decedents of Jacob which formed the 12 tribes of Israel.  Those who lived in biblical Israel. Consisted of Jews and non Jews.
(Israelite is not the same as an Israeli- see below)

3. Jewish - Anyone that practices Judaism (multiple sects/practices whose ideologies are not all from original Scripture). Less than 1% are actually Jews. Anyone can become Jewish by conversion.

4. Zionism - A political movement that sucks the world dry. (Rothschilds) ‘Synagogue of Satan’.  Consists of Jews and non Jews. (Biblical terminology hijacked strategically by Kazarian mafia/Mossad, Illuminati, Cabal to confuse)
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews (Jacob’s descendants or by adoption Romans 3:9), and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

5. ‘NATION’ of Israel - God's true chosen children of faith in Christ. Scattered worldwide. Galatians 3:29 and Romans 3:9

6. ‘State’ of Israel - A Rothschild owned territory.

7. Israeli - Anyone currently living in the current ‘state’ of Israel.

*✝#5 - should be our focus of protection and prayer. Rejecting the rest is not anti-Semitic.

Apathy and lack of study has allowed ✡👹#4 to infiltrate every aspect of our lives in the guise of ‘Christian’ or ‘Israel’: Churches, schools, government, medical, entertainment, mainstream news.

1 Peter 4:17 KJV
[17] For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

Just because something is labeled ‘Israel’ doesn’t mean it deserves our support. This is why it is so very important to research and connect dots.


Israel is a primary hideout of many Khazarians who are not Jewish. The Khazarsians were Satan-worshipers, with ancestral roots in Babylon, the ancient adversary of the Hebrews. Like many other Deep State issues, they play all sides against each other so they can ruin the World without us seeing who is doing this. The war against the DS is coming to the surface there.

Bilahari's core message in his writing is not that sinkies should not celebrate atrocities. His core message is that the Israelis should whack Hamas damn hard for the attack. This may not wrong except that he contradicted himself by saying "Just because one party commits injustices does not excuse injustice by another party". What about the innocent Palestinians who are going to be killed?

Also, he totally misinterpreted addressing "root causes" as annihilating the Jews from Israel. No. That is not what it means. It simply means a two-state solution which many have been preaching. Go back to the negotiating table and negotiate. If the Israelis continue the oppression then we'll see a tit-for-tat until the world ends. If the Palestinians see the generosity of the Israelis their support for Hamas will automatically wane.

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