Russia aiming to fly solo without Airbus and Boeing

September 28, 20226:30 PM GMT+8Last Updated 14 hours ago
By Gleb Stolyarov

MOSCOW, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Russia's aviation industry will aim to go it alone without the West, using locally built parts to produce 1,000 airliners by 2030 and end a reliance on Boeing (BA.N) and Airbus (AIR.PA), state-owned engineer Rostec said.

(25-08-2022, 12:57 PM)kokee Wrote:  due to global sanction, russia has no spare parts for their fighter jet!
boeing or airbus or other planes parts will never supply parts to russia anymore!
russia capture china commercial planes in russia, strip off those parts they need from china planes & abandon, well done!
russia will do anything to china as they like, F care of china totally!  LOL LOL!


all these moronic comie dogs here! spam lies & nonsense here 7/24!!
as above, already said long ago, russia kena sanction till totally no parts for plane & jets!
not only planes, car, electronics & ton more!!
so they capture & salvage parts from other country airlines for their planes!!
very dangerous due to 2nd hands parts & whether matching to their usage!!
same to china plane C-919, almost all are using parts from west & japan due to safety!
who dare to take russia or china made plane today?
no foreign country will buy such shit? go & find out how many china C-919 sold to date? LOL LOL!

(29-09-2022, 08:23 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie dogs here! spam lies & nonsense here 7/24!!
as above, already said long ago, russia kena sanction till totally no parts for plane & jets!
not only planes, car, electronics & ton more!!
so they capture & salvage parts from other country airlines for their planes!!
very dangerous due to 2nd hands parts & whether matching to their usage!!
same to china plane C-919, almost all are using parts from west & japan due to safety!
who dare to take russia or china made plane today?
no foreign country will buy such shit? go & find out how many china C-919 sold to date? LOL LOL!

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Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor 

Moronic kokee Putin laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

Even XJP uses Boeing, not supporting their local made C919.

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