I saw this in reddit on School

School is a scam designed by satanist to destroy your spirit before you leave this earth so that when your soul passes away into the black waters of death you will not have peace, and sink into the black Abyss of hell where your flesh will be consumed by the giant undersea insects. The nightmare world that consumes the mind after death. That’s where they harvest souls to return them to slavery in their never ending dream or nightmare. The film “Johnny got his gun” explains everything. Through the brain surgery we’re trapped in this Artificial electronically induced dreamstate Hallucination which is mandated by a Fascist technological empire. A Fascist government won the war for your mind.. and after political brain surgery was forcibly performed on all prisoners.

All schools started out as church.. but, slowly morphed into a technological church doctrine that teachers a new religion of slavery. These teachers are taxpayer-funded government employees.

hmmmm for me School always the " First place to spread Gov agenda , idea " Look at the pre school , what PAP kindergarden last time I do study there of course since most of us do.

Later they change name Must be people question on it what now call " Sparkerspot or what , I don't bother " BUT got PAP logo

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